Chapter 4: The bespectacled beauty.


Grey has been reading books for a year from the library now. Grey still remembered the first time he entered the library alone at the age of 2. From the 2-year-old perspective, the library was bigger than it already was.

Near the entrance door of the library, there was a small counter, when grey approached that counter, there was a young girl sitting on the chair, she had a petite figure with medium-length dark blue hair and she had a pair of glasses around her eyes. Because of the small baby Body of the Grey, she couldn't notice him.

Grey tried to knock on the desk, so she could notice him. she heard the knock, but there was no one there. No, it was more like grey was too small to be visible from the other side of the desk. She got up and went around the desk to check, there was a small kid of two years old standing there. She crouched down and asked Grey.

"Do you need anything little sir?"

"Are you the owner of this library?" He already knew she wasn't.

The sight of a little kid trying to speak his best was too cute for her to handle. For some reason whenever adults see babies speaking to them, they started speaking like a baby too and the librarian started speaking in a baby tone and said: " No, I work for Ms. Lozen".

She got up, went behind the counter, and brought lots of sweet things to eat.

"Do you want this? You can have it" She had 2 jars full of sweets and she gave me one and said, "you can eat it later. Don't eat all at once, okay.".

"Thank you Miss librarian, I will eat it properly" Again the sight of a little Grey thanking her was too cute for her. ' This kid is cute, I want to adopt him!!!!!!!!' was what she thought.

"You can have other jars too, and my name is Sylphy." she introduced herself.

"Ummmm…..Big sister Sylphy, I have a request." It was the final blow to Sylphy's heart. Now, no matter what Grey asks she will agree to it.

"What is it grey?" Hearing the word big sister made her reach the seventh heaven and there was no stopping to her smile.

"Can you teach me, how to read and write?" asked Grey and Grey already knew, what her answer will be, It was quite obvious and her answer was "Yes, Of course".


Now a year later to the present, Sylphy has long realized that she was tricked by a two-year-old. Her heart grew colder after realizing this fact. Grey wasn't a normal kid, his way of talking and behavior wasn't childlike and Sylphy always found it weird.

But, spending hours of each day with Grey for a year made it feel more and more normal, and sometimes Sylphy even forgets that Grey is just a little kid. Sylphy has to spend more years as a disciple of Ms. Lozen to become a full-fledged mage and in return, she takes care of her library and it also helps her in learning about the field of magic.

"Ummmmm....Big sister Sylphy."

"No, I am busy right now so I can't do it" She rejected him even before he could say anything.

"But, I didn't even ask anything yet. How did you know I wanted something."

"you call me big sister whenever you need something, anyways do you have any questions?"

"In this book, it's written that complex magic or skills can be learned only by getting Seal marking. But getting a seal marking is very rare, so very rare people can perform complex magic or skill?"

"Yes, Most people can perform normal elemental magic but even in that only people with the proper elemental attribute can perform the magic of their respective element properly, the Mostly elemental attribute is determined by bloodline and sometimes by other factors.

In the terms of complex magic or skill, not many people can perform complex magic For example, My skill to see the nature of mana or aura and I can remember every aura around me, I can remember the structure of any magic and my seal marking can make me learn anything in faster pace"

She is lifted her sleeve up to show her seal marking. Showing someone your seal marking was the sign of trust, cause knowing someone's seal marking means that you also know their weakness. So most people avoid revealing their seal marking.

It was owl shaped just like Grey's but yet very different, Grey has learned how to read and write at a faster pace than usual and he realized he could finish reading and understanding books at a faster pace.

Looking at her owl seal marking, he thought 'It's similar to mine, maybe that could explain why my learning capability is so high.'

"But this last year I have met you, whose learning capability is on par with me. Over that, you are a three-year-old kid with no seal marking, that makes me happy that there is someone better than me at a drastically different level, that kind of makes me feel normal." Being bullied by her peers for being better than them at studying made her feel alone, she wanted to feel normal, and being with Grey, she feels normal.

"Actually about that..." Grey stretched his hand to show to Sylphy. It was plain white skin, There appeared a seal marking similar to her but there was an owl with a crown and as that seal marking showed up in Grey's hand, it started resonating with Sylphy's seal.

"Grey you...It's my first time witnessing such a young person with seal marking" more like a kid with seal marking." That explains your fast learning capability." she said in a lower tone.

Looking at the seal, Sylphy couldn't help but be curious. Grey knew what Sylphy wanted.

"I'll let you observe me and my seal marking every day, but you have to teach me about your seal marking since our seal marking is similar in nature."

Sylphy was already drowning in her curiosity. She nodded her head rapidly and said "Yes, yes."

"At least hide you curio-" As Grey was completing his sentence, He heard footsteps that he recognized very well. It was the footstep of a monster or at least that is what Grey calls her.

Grey turned towards Sylphy and said "I'll hide behind the bookshelf. tell her that grey already left the library, okay?" and he ran behind the bookshelf to hide.

The sound of the library door opening was heard and with that came the voice of a little girl of 5 years of age asking " Is he here? Big sister Sylphy.". She was a small girl of 5 years old with long black hair with blue eyes. The hair was reaching down till her knees and she was a beautiful polite kid with a mannerly tone and behavior.

"No, he is not here. He already left the library." Replied Sylphy as Grey wanted her to reply. But, her actions were opposite to what she was saying, Her fingers were pointing towards where grey was hiding.

"Oh, he already left, That's unfortunate," Said The 5-year-old girl as she walked out of the Door. As soon as Grey heard her walking out of the library, He came out "Thank you Sylphy, You can be nice from time to tim-"

"Greyyyyy, I thought you weren't in the library." The 5-year-old was standing behind him and caught Grey.

"Oh, I just came in. It's weird, I didn't see you coming in," he said an obvious lie with a straight face.

"Liar, now come with me to train and this time give me a good fight." Grey was getting dragged away from the library by the 5-year-old girl. As he was getting dragged he gave Slyphy one last look that said ' I will have my revenge '.

This 5-year-old girl's name was Eira Hoffmann, Grey's cousin. She is the Granddaughter of Grey's Grandfathers brother. Grey has met his Grandfather's brother many times.

Well, you can hear the rest of the story from the victim.

'One day my grand uncle came with her granddaughter, she was a 5-year-old girl. Apparently, she wanted to train under my dad. It was weird because I think my dad's reputation is not good with the family. Mainly because he married a girl of a rival nation and also there is a list of things my father is hated for in his family.

But I can see why she wanted to train under my dad, my dad is very good with his swordsmanship. My dad agreed to teach her and it's been many weeks since she is staying over for training. Also, it's been weeks since my life has become a living hell. Every day she drags me to train with her, Who thought it was a good idea to train a three-year-old???????.'