Chapter 11- An injured Girl


'we just entered the mouth of Nahum forest, from here it's an hour-long journey to the Amon village approximately. The wagon got a little bit cooler as soon as we entered the forest, it's a little bit comforting.'

Grey was looking out of the window as the wagon was passing by the forest, it was quite a beautiful forest. As he was looking out of the window he saw a pair of birds on the tree.

'What a beautiful bird.' Thought grey admiring the creature.

After a while, he saw a monkey-like creature carrying her baby.

'What a Cute mother and kid pair...beautiful.'

And after sometimes he saw a some cat like creature going somewhere in a hoard.

'What a cute creature…..beautiful.'

And a majestic tree.

'What a majestic tree....beautiful.'

And an injured girl.

'What an injured girl...beautiful....Huh, an injured girl????????'

"Aunt Sofia stop the Wagon." Said Grey in a hurry, Sofia immediately stopped the wagon.

"What happened grey?" asked Alice.

"There is an injured girl lying down there in the forest." Said Grey while getting off the Wagon and running towards the girl.

It was a girl of around Grey's age. Alice crouched down near the girl and picked her up "She looks injured but it's nothing serious, glad we found her." Said Alice, while taking her to the wagon.

"She looks alone, so we should probably take her to the village and then ask her about her parents after once she wakes up." Continued Alice.

"How did she get here?" asked Grey.

"Who knows, gotta ask her once she wakes up." Replied Alice, Alice made a cut in her thumb by biting it and fed the blood that came out of her finger to the injured girl.

After looking at the puzzled expression in Grey's face, Alice answered "Oh, are you curious about this? , it's for healing her wound. Our blood has healing properties. But that doesn't mean we can feed anyone our blood raw, you first need to control our blood's venomous aura and after having full control at it, you will also unlock the healing potential of it."

'How overpowered is Ormr family's blood, ' thought Grey.

"Let's take her ti the Amon village and further investigate." They started moving towards the village.


They were at the entrance of the village after a long month's journey, they were welcomed by a couple standing at the entrance of the village.

"Welcome to the Amon village, Ms. Alice," said the young man named Kian Amon, He was an handsome young man who was head of the Amon village along with his wife, Tess Amon.

"Hello Kain and Tess, Before anything, I want you guys urgently to take this girl in to a proper care, we found her injured in the forest. I did heal her wounds but take care of her while she wakes up." Said Alice.

"She doesn't belong to our village, how did this kid get into that forest alone." Said Kain, he continued "Let's take her inside immediately"

After a while, they were finally sitting in Kain's house, after relocating the girl into proper care under village medic.

"So I was saying, you guys finally took on the village chief role." Said, Alice.

"Yes Alice, It's such a pain to take care of the whole village." Said Tess while making an exaggerated sigh sound.

"You should have considered that before marrying me, Marrying me meant, you had to run the village as per the tradition." Said Kian.

"Now now, well it was worth all the pain if it meant that I get to marry you and spend my life with you," said Tess while holding on to Kain's arms.

Kain's face got beat red with embarrassment "Wh- What are you saying in front of our Guest?????" Kain started freaking out.

"Well you guys still are lovey-dovey as you guys used to be and you still haven't gotten tired of Teasing Kain, But it's kind of cute." Said Alice.

'What an interesting couple, I have never seen a dude get this red.' Thought Grey.

"Hello, My name is Grey Hoffmann. I will be in your guys care in the coming weeks." Said Grey with a small bow.

"What a well-mannered kid. He kind of reminds me of Mr. Ranulf." Said Kain. Tess crouched down and patted Grey's head and said " He has features of both of you, most of his facial feature is just like you Ms. Alice, He has your signature purple- indigo eyes and the beauty mark under right eye. I always thought you would look handsome as a guy and he looks just like you. I cant wait to see what kind of handsome man you will grow into."

'Ah, she fangirling over my mom, how am I supposed to react?' thought Grey.

"You thought it too? Even I thought Ms. Alice would be handsome as a guy." Said Kian with an excited tone.

'Not you too. Ah, he is also fanboying over my mom. Well, they aren't wrong my mom is very pretty. Now that I think about even I am curious how handsome she will be as a guy. Well I just got to look in the mirror, hehe.' There grew Grey's pride over his look.

"Anyways you guys should take a rest, you guys have been through a long journey. We can catch on later, we have made some lunch, eat it up and take some rest, and Ms. Knight you should take some rest and have lunch too." Said Tess, by knight she meant Sofia. Well she cant be mistaken for a knight as she carries a sword and is always beside Grey and Alice on guard for their safety.

"You honor me by calling me knight, but I am just a maid. It won't be appropriate of me to have lunch and rest before my master. Ill stand guard outside." Said Sofia.

"Sofia, like you just said. You are a maid and it's fine let's have rest. How many times do I have to tell you that you are my friend, come to have lunch with us." Said Alice.

"If you say so." Agreed Sofia.

They had lunch and had good rest for a good day.