Chapter 22: The past Three years.


The aftermath of the village attack led to many deaths, including my mom's.

I have decided to move towards Goldberg city. The plan is to register into the adventure guild and buy Amrit out of the money that we earn.

And we couldn't waste any more time as church was going to arrive at the village anytime. if I take demigods words to the heart.

My left eye was burnt to crisp, I am blind from one eye and my left hand is also very seriously burnt. Rai did my medication for now. But going further I have to manage my life with one eye.

I faked my death by burning a corpse of a kid that was around my age, I made a grave for that kid and wrote my name over the Grave. This world doesn't have the means to identify a dead body if it's burnt to crisp, they don't have anything like a DNA test. So faking my death should be easy.

But still, it's easy for Grandma Lozen to figure out that it's not my body. she can read the mana reading of that body and figure out that it's not my body. for that, I have sent a message to grandma through the crystal that she gave me before I set out for the journey to the Amon Village.

The message I sent through crystal was "Grandma, mom is dead..... and I will be dead for a while too. Take care of everyone there….... I will be back someday, but till then, it will be secret between Grandma and me."

It took us 26 days to reach Goldberg city.

I regained my eyes back….. The weird thing is it's regenerated back. I don't know how, but for now, if I had to guess, then my best guess would be because of the contract with Aetna.

My regenerated eye is the same as the old one, but if I take a closer look. It's a little bit different, it has a hint of silver and orange in it.

Upon arrival, we wasted no time in registering into the adventure guild. but they denied taking such a young kid into the adventure guild. So, we had to live someday off hunting, but the time was ticking. I didn't know the severity of the limited time we had until it happened...

Out of 14 Surviving kids from the village, the first kid died….

Due to the instability of energy in him, his mana core collapsed on its own and became a black hole of some sort. I didn't want to give up on that kid and told him not to do so.

I forced him to live on without noticing the agony he was in, he committed suicide. He chose death to avoid the pain he was in.

I failed....

After a kind old lady noticed us and decided to let us live in her house for few days, her house was huge and she lived alone there. The old lady later told us to live for how long we want.

She helped us join the adventure guild. apparently, her late husband was a big hunter in past. So she helped us join the adventure guild through her connection.

At first, it was hard. but later we got to know various adventurers. We worked hard, did various commissions tirelessly to buy Amrit, and gave it to the kids of the village.

It is supposed to help to stabilize the energy in them and prevent the core from collapsing on its own. But Amrit fruit needed continuous consumption in regular internal.

But even that wasn't enough, one after another kids kept dying. I couldn't do anything about it, the only thing I could do was to end their suffering, in their most painful moment. I didn't want any of them to commit suicide anymore.

I failed again….

I kept failing.... Again ...and again …. again ….and again…...

And at last, only 3 kids are remaining now, two of them have their energy stabilized and one is still in threat of dying.


"Grey, did you bring the sweet I made?" asked Ulrich, he is a guy with Orange wavy hair with yellow eyes.

He usually doesn't prefer to talk much. He has a thing for making food and he is quite good at it, Like a professional level good at it. I might have married him if he were a girl. Okay, that might be going too far.

"Yes, I did," I replied, as I showed him the bag in which sweets were there.

We were in front of Mark's house and as soon as we entered inside, we were greeted by Aunt Bruna. She is the wife of Mark.

"Hello, kids." She greeted us.

"Hello, Aunt Bruna." I greeted Back and so did everyone else.

"That's rude you know." Said, Mark.

"How is that rude?" Asked Aetna.

"You guys only show respect to my wife. What about me? I am your elder too."

"Tch, unfortunately," I said with an irritated expression.

"Ow ow ow ow ow." My cheeks were being pulled.

"Respect you elder!" exclaimed Mark.

"Okay, cut it out you two. The dinner is ready, get inside everyone, and let's eat it while it's hot." Said Aunt Bruna as she interrupted my cheeks getting pulled.

We got inside and sat around the dinner table, the aroma of the food was enough to instantly stir up my appetite. I was looking forward to this dinner the whole day, so I haven't eaten much to increase my appetite.

I looked at the four kids beside me and those monsters were as hungry as me. Aetna and Rudi were drooling, well I can't judge them. I am drooling myself.

We sat down and without wasting any more time started devouring the food.

After a while, Aunt Bruna asked "How is your health, Annie?."

To which she replied, "I am very healthy." With a bright smile. Annie is a nine-year-old girl, she is the last surviving kid of the village including Rudi and Ulrich. She has Yellow hair with a shiny yellow set of eyes, which even look golden when seen from a certain distance.

She can be mistaken for royalty just because of her looks.

"She will be fine. after all, I am taking care of her." Said Aetna with a warm smile.

"Yes, Aetna takes very good care of her every day. She is a good big sister." Said Old lady Julia, she is the old lady we are staying with. If I had to say, she is a person with a warm personality and I personally call her 'Grandma Julia' and so does everyone else in the house.

"By the way, how is the chicken I made?" asked Aunt Bruna. She knew I had a thing for fried chicken and so did Aetna and Annie.

"Delicious." Replied Aetna, Annie, and me simultaneously, as our mouth was stuffed with chicken. We looked like squirrels whose mouths is stuffed with peanuts.

Aunt Bruna let out a chuckle "You guys really do love fried chicken.".

"More than anything," I said.

"More than blood," Aetna said, even though she never had a drop of blood. A vampire, she doesn't have much urge to drink blood.

"Chicken is the only thing that I might not want to share with anyone," said Annie.

"Yes, I understand that feeling." Agreed Aetna.

After a while, we were done with the dinner. It was a delicious dinner and a dinner that was worth staying hungry the whole day.