Chapter 38: Horn's family.

I was invited to have lunch with the Horn family and I had no reason to decline them.

So here I am at the dinner table with the Horn family.

Before starting the dinner, I stood up from the chair and bowed deeply saying.

"Thank you for saving my life and tending my wounds, I am deeply indebted." I thanked the Horn family.

"Such a disciplined child. It's rare to see kids like you these days," said Frank's grandfather who was sitting at the center of the table.

"Come on sit down, eat the food while it's hot." Said Frank's mom.

I planted myself back on the chair and started eating the lunch plate that was in front of me.

"Are your injuries okay now?" asked Frank's mom.

"Yes it's been healing pretty well," I replied chewing down my food.

"The doctor who checked you up said that you had a set of broken ribs and various broken bones. There was even a claw marking on your shoulder." He pointed his fork towards me and asked "How did that get healed in one day?"

I knew they would ask questions like this.

My venomous factor has the power to heal my wounds pretty quickly, but it gets pretty difficult to explain it to others.

When I woke up my injuries were already healed.

"I have a healing factor," I replied with a straight face.

"Healing is a pretty rare power, it was rare to even at my time," Said Frank's Gand father as he stroked his beard.

"It's is still rare power, Grandfather." Added Brother Eddie.

He turned towards me, "What role do you usually take as a hunter?" asked Brother Eddie as he scooped up his food with a spoon.

"I usually take up the role of damage dealer or scout," I answered.

"Not as a healer?" asked Brother Eddie puzzled.

I scratched my chin with an awkward laugh as I replied "I can't heal others.". In truth, I can heal other's but I would need to feed them my blood.

I continued "I am a warrior class."

[ Warrior class is a person who masters any kind of weapon as a means to fight rather than using magic.]

I curiously asked, " What is your class, brother Eddie?"

"My class? I am a Mage." He replied.

"Frank is a warrior class too, have you guys spared?" asked Frank's Grandfather.

"Yeah once" I replied.

This is awkward, I don't want to blatantly say that I won.

"Really?!!! Who won?" asked Frank's little sister, whose name was Aria.

Saying little sister makes it feel like she is a small kid. But in truth, she is the same-year-old as me. Frank is two years older than me.

"By the way, there was a competition coming up soon, right?" Said Frank pretending he didn't hear what Aria said.

changing topic are we?

"Don't just change the topic like that!!" exclaimed Aria.

With a sudden change of expression in her face asked Aira " Don't tell me you lost?".

If I had to describe that smile in one word it would be "Malicious Grin".

Frank turned his head towards the left avoiding eye contact with his sister.

She burst into laughter "You lost!! That's new.".

I feel sad for frank, he is getting bullied by his little sister.

"Losing or winning doesn't matter since we are friends," I said.

To which I got an even exclaimed reaction from Aria "Huh!!? Friends??!!"

She turned towards his Frank " Big brother you have friends???!!" she asked.

She continued " I never thought you would have friends since you have such a bad personality. Every time you see someone new you try to assert dominance by bullying them and make them your henchmen. So I thought you would never make a friend in your life." said Aira dramatically as she wiped her fake tears off.

She gave him a thumbs up "Good for you brother, now you at least have one friend."

A poor guy here is getting bullied pretty badly by his little sister. I feel pity for him.

"Brat, are you looking for a fight!?" threatened Frank, as he slammed his right leg over his chair.

Is he going to throw hands with his sister?? It will be pretty interesting to watch.

"Whoever disrespects the food will be kicked out of the house." Said Frank's mother in a cold tone. Everyone on the dinner table felt the immense aura from her.

The rest of the lunch was eaten silently and not a single word was spoken.

More like no one dared to speak a word.

After the lunch was over,

"Will you take part in this year's winter festival?" asked Brother Eddie as he wiped off his mouth with a piece of clean cloth.

"I haven't thought about it, yet," I replied.

"You haven't decided yet?.... then how about we both form a team and take part in this year's winter festival?" she asked.

"I haven't decided—" before I could complete my sentence she interrupted me "This year they are giving a chance to take any S rank item from moon glitter shop."

"I am in!" I said without thinking twice.

"Damn, I like the speed at which you changed your mind." Said Aria.

"Are you serious about teaming with me?" I asked.

"Yes, Since you defeated my brother you must be capable." She replied.

"If you are fine with it then I don't have any problem," I replied.

I am not interested in any other S rank item. The only thing I am interested in is the S rank Amrit.

The S rank Amrit fruit is pretty rare, it is said to be only seen once every 10 years. But it is pretty expensive so I couldn't afford it.

But now I have a chance that I could get it for free. There is no way that I am going to miss it.

If I get my hands on the fruit, maybe this time... I will be able to save Annie...

I am not going to lose this competition, even If I had to go all out...