chapter 40: We are a team.


It's been three days since the hobgoblin incident and my life was back to normal.

currently, I am at my commission of escorting Agata with her hunting.

Adventuring and hunting were banned for three days because of the hobgoblin incident.

But after the news was out that the hobgoblin was taken care of, the adventuring and hunting resumed like usual.

The hunting section just got over and we were walking out of the forest.

"What kind of competition will be held this year at the winter festival?" I asked as we all were walking together.

Each year different types of competition are held.

Last year it was a cooking competition and the year before that it was a battle royal, like the last man standing wins, that type of competition.

"Even I have no idea," replied Idiot A.

"Yeah even I am pretty much clueless." joined Idiot B.

You guys are supposed to be characters who fill in the audience with the additional information by talking in the background.

What use do you guys have if you don't even fill your character's role?

{Author: Main character please don't break the fourth wall.}

"It's rare for you guys to not know something," I said.

"This time they are being pretty strict. there isn't even a leak of single information about the competition," said Idiot A.

"Around this time of the year, I used to earn money by selling information about the competition to people. but this time even I don't have any information." sighed Idiot B.

Knowing information about the competition gives people the upper hand over other competitors, so I think it's natural to not leak information.

But still, there are times when Duke purposely leaks information about the competition.

Like last time it was a simple cooking competition.

So Duke purposely leaked information to increase the quality of cooking in the competition.

Knowing information beforehand, gave competitors to prepare and thus increasing the quality of cooking.

{Author note: Winter festival is held by the Duke of the Goldberg city and the competition held in the moon glitter festival is mostly decided by the Duke.

Fun fact: Duke of Goldberg city is the Father of Agata Gerver.}

Guessing from the secrecy that has been kept regarding the contest, It will probably be a battle of wits.

Whatever it is, it sure will be interesting.

"So are you guys going to take part in the competition?" asked Agata, her question was directed towards all of us.

To which everyone answered with an affirmative.

"Oh I see, good luck to all of you!!" she wished us good luck in a cheerful tone.

"Miss. Agata, you are the daughter of our lord duke. do you know the information about the contest?" asked Phil.

"Even I have been kept in dark about this competition.... sorry to disappoint you," she replied apologetically.

"Don't ask such rude questions to miss. Agata!" Lily gave Phil a sharp rebuke.

"Are you participating too, Miss Agata?" I asked.

"Yes I was hoping to participate too," she said, "I hope you guys allow me in your team if there is any team-based competition," she said with an agitated smile.

I sometimes find myself admiring Agata's personality.

"You don't need to ask Miss. Agata, we are already a team," said Phil with a big smile and a thumbs up.

"I agree with Phil on that part, we are already a team," said Frank agreeing to what Phil said.

"Yes, Miss Agata we are already a team," said Idiot A and B simultaneously.

Lily let out a sigh before saying "I can't believe that I am agreeing with these losers, but even I feel the same " Joined Lily.

"Who are you calling loser," roared Frank starting a verbal fight between Frank, Phil, idiot A, Idiot B, and Lily.

As they were fighting I approached Agata and said "I agree with them, we have been a team since the day we started hunting together." with a cheerful smile.

As I shifted my attention from them fighting towards Agata's face.

I saw a drastic change in her facial expression. Her cheeks changed it's color to a shade of red as tears welled up in her eyes.


She wiped her tears with one hand but it was replaced with more.

"Miss. Agata, why are you crying?" I asked as I was panicking.

"Bastard did you make her cry?" yelled Phil as he jumped over me.

and one by one all of them stopped their fighting and jumped over me.

Frank held me in a headlock between his hand, Lily was pulling my cheeks. Idiot A, Idiot B, and Phil were sitting over my back.

"I didn't make her cry!!" I exclaimed defending myself against their accusation

"Then why is she crying?!!" asked everyone in unison.


Chuckled Agata softly, her lips curled forming a smile.

"I was crying because I never had friends before you guys, so listening to you guys made me tear up," she said wiping her residue tears off.

"Oooooo" everyone said in Unison like they understood something.

"I think you should get up, Master Grey is suffering down there," said Agata holding off her laughter.

They got up from me and said "Sorry, Grey it was a misunderstanding." apologizing.

My eyes turned cold as I said " You guys are dead to me." with an ice-cold voice.

"Let's not resort to violence," said Frank as he stepped back.

I stepped forward crackling my fist.

Before I could do anything they all ran away with the exception of Lily.

"Lily I think you should run away too, I am not the type of person who holds back just because he is fighting a woman.

I am an advocate of true gender equality. I won't even hesitate to punch a woman if needed."

With that warning, Lily ran away too.

and I ran behind them.

It will be a blood bath once I catch them!!.....

{Authors note: they are just having fun}