Chapter 42: An protective little sister.


We were done with the work at the adventure guild.

As planned, we picked up Annie from the house and went to the fried chicken shop

It's actually a restaurant that is well known for its fried chicken, not exactly a fried chicken shop.

I have tried the fried chicken of this restaurant before with the boys, by boys I mean Phil, Frank, Idiot A, and Idiot B.

We entered the restaurant to find that it was moderately crowded.

I am glad it's not crowded. Being in a crowded area is pretty mentally exhausting.

"There is a seat open!" said Aetna as she ran excitedly towards the empty four-seated table.

She sat down in one chair, following her, me and Annie sat opposite to her.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked as I studied the menu.

"Fried chicken!" replied Annie swiftly.

Now that I think about it, why was I even looking at the menu when I have already decided that I will the special fried chicken served here.

I placed the menu down and ordered three plates of fried chicken.

"It's getting cold, I guess that's natural as winter is getting closer," I said looking out of the window, the weather was getting increasingly colder each day.

Even today the morning atmosphere was covered with a thick layer of fog.

Winter is just beginning, so from here on fog will only keep getting denser every morning, and with that, the appearance of winter-type monsters will be a common sight.

{Author note: Winter-type monsters are monsters that can be only seen throughout the winter.}

"I love winter!!" Annie was pretty exhilarated about the arrival of the winter season, "It's warm and cozy to sleep under a thick blanket."

"Winter night?" I muttered to myself closing my eyes remembering gold old times.

I love winter too for the same reasons. Sleeping in my own bed tucked inside a thick layered soft and cozy blanket.

Ah, I miss it....

"I love dogs!." Said Aetna out of nowhere.

Huh? Where did that topic come from?

"Dogs are fine, but cats are better." Argued Annie. She just joined the topic as if it was a natural thing to do so.

If we are talking about cats and dogs, I think it's pointless to argue about which one is better since both creatures are pretty likable on their own.

But....well, I like cats more.

"Cats can't be better…. Name one thing cats are better at?" counter-argued Aetna.

"Because cats clean and groom themselves, unlike dogs." Replied Annie shrugging off her shoulders.

Woah! That was a logical argument, I didn't expect it.

"But, the dog keeps you safe, protects your house, and defends you under any threat unlike cats, who will probably just run away." Replied Aetna to Annie's argument.

I can't deny the factuality of that statement. Cats won't even move a paw if some pointed knife at their owner.

"Cats are more independent creatures, unlike dogs who need too much attention."

"Dogs are more loving!"

"Cats don't poop anywhere and everywhere!"

"Dog is more loyal!"

"Cats are independent creatures, they can survive on their own."

"Dog show more emotions!!"

Their argument kept on going for a while, as Annie brought up the most logically correct argument and Aetna brought up the most emotionally correct argument,

I just spectated their argument from the sidelines, as I rested my face on the palm of my hand.

"What do you think, Grey?" they asked simultaneously.

Don't drag me into this!!!!

Now that they have asked me, I would have to give the most satisfactory answer for both of them.

I opened my mouth to say "I love both of the creatures equally and I think owning any of them would make me equally happy.

Cats are majestic creatures, whereas dogs are pretty playful creatures."

"Yes, when I think about it dogs are pretty playful creatures." Agreed Annie.

"Even I have to agree that cats have a pretty majestic aura around them." Aetna also agreed with me.

I didn't think it would be this easy, Maybe now they will end their argument.

"I love spicy food!" said Aetna excitedly again out of nowhere. AGAIN.

Oi oi, now where did that topic come from.

"I personally love sweet food." Argued back, Annie.

Don't join in a random conversation with her so naturally. It's so hard to keep track of their conversation.

"Is that you, Grey?" it was a voice that I was familiar with.

I looked back facing the source of voice "It's rare to meet you here, Lily." I said greeting her.

Holding her hand was a little girl standing beside her.

She looked like a smaller version of Lily, maybe her little sister?

As I was looking at her, the little girl opened her mouth "Hello, my name is Ellsa Jung. Nice to meet you." Said the kid with a slight bow.

A disciplined little kid is always a good sight to see.

Well, I am a kid too…..

"Now that my introduction is over, who you might be and what kind of relationship do you have with my sister?" The little kid shot daggers at me through her eyes.

Huh? What with this kid?

Did I do something to draw her enmity towards me...…. Scary....scary.

"What are you talking about---" Freaked out Lily.

Before any further conversation, I offered them seats at our table. Our table had only four chairs so we had to borrow another one from the other empty table.

We were all seated at the table.

"Weather is so nice today!" blurted out Lily. That was one sorry attempt to change the topic.

"Don't change the topic big sister!" said Ellsa, she pointed her fingers towards me "Now answer my question! What kind of relationship do you have with my sister?!"

What's with this kid? And what's with the commanding tone?

Well, I guess it's my responsibility as an adult to clear her misunderstanding.

{Author: He is a kid too though...}

And it seems like Aetna and Annie are also interested to hear my answer, judging from the way they are staring at me so intently.

I waved my hand like I was shrugging her off "I think you have a misunderstanding. I and Lily are just acquaintances."

"Acquaintance…." Mewled Lily repeating my word.

"Liar!!" accused Lily.

I was accused as a liar by this little Girl.

"No No, I think you just have a misunderstanding," I said to which Lily agreed with a strong nod.

"Then explain why my big sister got freaked out when she saw you in the restaurant just now? Why did she make sure her hair and face were looking good before approaching you? Why did she take a deep sigh before approaching you like she is trying to mentally prepare herself??? And you want me to believe that you guys are just acquaintan--" apparently that kid had more to say but Lily covered her mouth before she could say anything further.

"W-W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!" Her face was red in embarrassment, calling it red would be an understatement, it was all the shade of red I could imagine.

Lily pointed towards the window and said, "The weather... The weather Is so nice today!!".

Is she trying to change the topic? If yes then that was a one-sorry attempt to change the topic.

But she was saved by the waiter who just arrived with our food.