Chapter 44: The art of spilling beans (2)

"You both look like you don't believe me. Well, you will believe me after hearing what I have to say," she said resting her chin on the palm of her right hand.

Her face wore a cheeky "All knowing" smile.

She pointed her index finger towards me "Do you know his full name?" she asked the question, which was mainly directed towards Lily and Ellsa.

"Grey?" said Lily, titlting her head in confusion.

"No, I mean his full name..... do you know his full name," asked Rin, rephrasing the question.

"He never told me anything about his full name," answered Lily.

Before speaking any more, Rin drew a chair from another table and sat on it.

She leaned in closer and covering her mouth with her hand as if she was trying to say a secret. I didn't make any move or reacted to what she was doing.

"This will be a secret...… His real name is Grey Hoffmann." She said in a whispering which wasn't really a whisper since everyone heard it at the table.

There was no reaction on the face of Lily and Ellsa. Well, that was expected since not many people in the Amay nation know that my mom (Hero Alice.) married a man from another kingdom and that too a prince of another nation.

"You surely don't mean that he belongs to the famous Hoffmann royal family of Frey Kingdom?" asked Ellsa laughing it off as a joke.

That's the thing......... it wasn't a joke.

"Yeah, the same Hoffmann." She answered, Ellsa and Lily realized she wasn't joking looking at the facial expression on Rin's face that clearly implied that she wasn't joking.

"I will let you in on another secret, The Grey sitting here is the son of...... Hero Alice." Just like that Rin dropped another bomb.

I still didn't react much to her revealing information about me to Ellsa and Lily. I wanted to show her that revealing information about me won't have much effect on me and it won't bother me.

In reality, it did bother me. I didn't want her to reveal information about me to everyone. Because if the church finds out that I am alive they might also suspect that other villagers are also alive.

Annie still has a dark aura radiating out of her, if the church finds out about this they will probably kill Annie off.

As much as I hate to admit it, I can't do anything against church right now.

If I react to her revelation right now, she will probably abuse this information and will blackmail me.

I saw the faces of Lily and Ellsa, they still had the facial expression of "What kind of bullshit is this girl talking about".

I took a deep sigh and opened my mouth "Yes, I am Grey Hoffmann and I am also the Son of Hero Alice. Is something wrong about it?" I asked with a calm voice..

"Seriously?" exclaimed Lily as she stood up from her chair.

Apparently, it was more believable for Lily when I confirmed it with my mouth. Does she trust me that much?

Whereas on the other side Ellsa is still thinking of it as bullshit.

"Prove it!!" said Ellsa wanting proof.

I have many ways to prove it. But I chose a way that would require the least amount of explanation and will satisfy their doubt easily.

I pointed my finger towards my face and said:

"This is your proof."

"How is that proof? That is just your cheeks." asked Ellsa.

"Not my cheeks, my face. If you have ever seen Hero Alice then my face is enough proof that I am her son. I look mostly like her except my white hair."

"I have never seen her." Said Ellsa with a blank expression.

Now, this is difficult...…..

It would be easier if I just had a photo of her.

{Author note: This world does have things like photos, but, taking a photo is pretty expensive and the device that takes a photo is pretty rare and also very expensive. So taking photos is not a thing for common people and even for some rich nobles.

That device doesn't exactly take photos, it just prints an image from a person's memory.}

"I have a photo of her." Said Rin taking a piece of cloth.

How prepared was she to expose my identity? I think it's pretty obvious till now, it was already planned by her.

I took the photo from her hand and aligned it right beside my face for a better side-by-side comparison.

"Look," I said.

"Is this Hero Alice? She is really as beautiful as rumor says it," said Ellsa admiring the photo of my mom.

I think this little girl is forgetting the whole point of me showing this photo.

"You are right, you both look similar. You guys have same facial feature... same purple-indigo bright eyes, same Straight nose, same beauty mark(Mole)... you guys look pretty similar." Said Lily comparing my face with my mom's photo.

She pointed towards me white scarf and said "Even the scarf is same!!"

"Yeah, its her scarf." i replied.

I took a look at the photo...… Ellsa is not wrong, my mom is really beautiful.

As I looked at that photo, a sudden cloud of sadness wrapped around my heart.

I really miss her...

Mom, are you looking at me from above? I hope she is looking at me.....

I turned towards Rin "So what do you want anyways?" I asked.

Before answering my question, "Can I take that fried chicken?" she asked pointing towards the last fried chicken on my plate.

Well, that was weirdly polite of her.

"Sure," I said giving the permission.

She took the bite of the fried chicken and asked "Why do you think that I need something?".

I poured the sauce on her plate "Try that fried chicken with this sauce, it's pretty good." I said.

She tried the fried chicken with the sauce. Closing her eyes, she savored the taste of the fried chicken.

With a nod, she opened her mouth "Damn, the sauce brings out the flavor of the fried chicken and elevates the experience as a whole."

"I know right!! This sauce never disappoints me." I said with a satisfied nod.

"I think you both were talking about something serious just a moment ago." said Aetna interuptong us.

"Oh right," i said.

"Yeah, we got distracted for a moment there." Said Rin clearing her throat.