Chapter 52: Mysterious Encounter.

I was on my way to the town hall for the competition.

"Oh, by the way, There was news that there will be members of the royal family participating in the competition." Said Mark as he walked beside me. After losing his leg, he had been using a walking cane to aid him In walking.

Ah right, my cousins will be there to participate in the competition. I have never met them in person so I don't know what kind of person they are.

But I don't plan on directly revealing my identity to them. Because if I do reveal my identity to them, They will probably view me as a threat.

In this world, the right to the throne is given to every direct descendant of the royal blood. But this only applies to the first branch of the royal family.

My mom is the daughter of the previous king so I automatically have the right to the throne and I am one of the princes that can fight for the throne of the Amay nation.

The same applies to my dad's side, he is the son of Frey's kingdom's previous king, so I naturally have to right for the throne of Frey's nation.

The fact that both of my parents belong to the royal families of two different nations, makes me a prince of two-nation.

So letting my cousins know that I am alive might be a really bad idea, they might really try to kill me or I have read too many novels and I am overthinking. But it's better safe than sorry.

"You guys go ahead, I just remembered something. I will be back after being done with it." I said as I walked away towards the opposite direction of the Townhall.

"Okay, don't be late," said Rudi as they walked away heading towards the town hall.

The thing I suddenly remembered was that I need to hide my identity. If my cousins were to see me, it won't even take them a second for them to figure out that I am a member of the Ormr family.

How? Because of the famous Ormr family purple-indigo eye color and also the fact that I am spitting image of my mother. That's why I need to hide my identity but with something that doesn't attract lots of attraction.

I reached the market to search for something that would help me hide my identity. As I looked around an Antique shop caught my attention.

From the outside, it looked like an old run-down shop. The sign of the shop read "Magical Antique Collection." In huge letters, that looked like it would fall off any moment.

The door creaked as I opened it slowly to enter the shop. The interior of the shop was no different from the exterior, the word gloomy was the best way to describe this shop.

I looked around to find the person in charge of this shop, but I couldn't find anyone. But as I went deep into the shop there was a counter at the right-hand corner of the shop where sat an old lady.

She had wrinkles on her face, with few teeth on her mouth. But the way her eyes were shut and her few missing teeth gave her a sort of smiley gentle face.

"Grandma," I called out.

As If answering my call, she opened her eyes slowly. But her small squinted eyes still looked like it was close.

I think she was sleeping, now I feel bad to wake her up.

She took a piece of paper and wrote something in it before showing it to me. The thing that she wrote on the piece of paper read "What do you need kid?".

I guess she can't talk that's why she is using paper to communicate. Answering her question I replied "I need something to hide my identity.", I think I said it too bluntly. She would probably think I am doing something shady.

She again wrote something and this time it read "What kind of shady activity are you performing kid?"

I chuckled "No Grandma, I am not doing anything shady. I am just avoiding my cousins, that's why I need to hide my identity."

"I have something, that you would like." Was the thing that the old lady wrote this time in the paper.

With that, she walked slowly inside the shop and bought a box full of things. My time was getting wasted here. But I don't mind, since this old lady has a pretty warm personality.

She picked out a thing that looked like a pair of sunglasses from the box. She handed me those sunglasses with a note that looked like it stated the use of the glasses.

The words in the note were "A glasses that help cancel out any fabric material in its view.".

Wait wait, Grandma what are you handing me!!! It states that I will be able to see people naked once I wear these sunglasses.

I mean I can understand that these sunglasses will help me kind of cover my face. but, still what kind of pervert will buy this!!!

She wrote something in her paper which stated "Since you are young, I thought it would help you."

"No No, what kind of shady stuff are you selling me, grandma!!." To which she laughed it off.

She handed me various things that were not really useful for hiding my identity. But later she picked out a small glass bottle that contained sapphire-colored liquid.

With that little bottle, there was a note that stated "A liquid that can change the color of user eyers after using it."

A liquid that can change the color of my eye!!! Yes, this is the thing I was looking for, it will be perfect to hide my identity.

"Grandma I want this one." I said as I picked out the bottle of blue liquid "How much is it for?" I asked.

She raised her hand showing off five fingers.

"Fifty silver?" I asked. It was a fair prince, actually, it was a little bit cheap.

She shook her head saying no.

"Then, five hundred silver?" I asked. To which she again shook her head no.

I was confused. She then wrote something on the paper and showed it to me.

"Five silver." Were the words she wrote on the paper.

"Huh?" I said out loud. Five silver is too cheap, she will go bankrupt if she sells things like this.

I picked up the bottle as I said "Listen carefully grandma, you cant sell this thing for just 5 silver coins. I have never seen a thing like this before in the market, Most of your product is not available in the market. So, it would sell at a pretty high price. Five silver is just too little for a product like this."

At first, she listened carefully to what I said then she again wrote something on the paper. "What a kind young man!" was the thing she wrote next on the paper.

I bought the little bottle of sapphire liquid for fifty silver coins.

Right before I was leaving the shop, she insisted on seeing my palm. Did she want to read my future or something?

It was a pretty weird and interesting encounter with this shop.

Now that I think about it, I have crossed this street a couple of times in the past. Was there always a shop like this at this place?

I opened the door to leave the store after buying the things I needed.

*See you next time.*

"Huh?" I quickly turned around to face the source of the voice that seems to come from inside the shop.

It was a telepathic voice that spoke directly inside my mind.

Huh? There is no shop?

The shop that I was inside just a few seconds ago, was not there behind me anymore. In the place of the shop was another run-down abandoned shop.

The shop disappeared in thin air?

Without paying further attention to the now disappeared shop, I rushed to the competition since I was getting late.

I was able to make it in time, right before the speech of the mayor.

I looked around to find my crew.

{Author note: By his crew, he is talking Rai, Aetna, Ulrich, Annie, and Rudi.}

"Grey, we are here!" called out Aetna from behind me.

I turned around to look towards her.

"Grey, why are you wearing sunglasses?"

Yes, I ended up buying the sunglasses from the old woman...…..