Chapter 58

The winter was cold and harsh especially at night, the wind was blowing so hard and there was no one outside - apart from Fei who was standing in front of the now ashes body of Queen Nien Zhen. She covered herself with a heavy fur coat which was full of snow particles but not even that heavy cloth protected her from the wind. 

"Nien? Nien Zhen..." She called out to the dark. But no one answered, then she walked a bit further to the woods and called Nien Zhen again and this time she heard footsteps. 

Nien Zhen appeared and she was unhurt and also unburnt. Fei saved her from the pyre and condemned a servant instead, however she made the servant wear Nien Zhen face and they all fooled Qianlong. 

"You witch!" Nien cursed Fei "Why did you save me?" she asked panicking and confused.

"You should be on your knees thanking me Nien"

"After brainwashing my husband's head to burn me in a pyre? For some sick fate and magic?"