Chapter 87

Hàoyǔ had a lot of questions about Leilani, Tong'an and why I escaped my kingdoms in search of something as confusing and cruelty like a voyage to the new world. I honestly did not have an answer for him, and if I was being realistic neither did I know why I fled both of my kingdoms. I knew about Leilani and the fact that I was way too heartbroken to rule, I was unstable and for a huge kingdom like Leilani it needed a strong leader with a good head of politics and not a widow grieving over her husband's death, that's why I left. 

"So you left Leilani because your husband died?" asked Hàoyǔ riding the horse as I held him tight on his back. 

"Yes I couldn't rule by my own and his mother was a cruel woman, she planned for my death. I would be dead now if I hadn't fled earlier"

"That guy you came to the village with, he's your friend?" 

"A long time friend, I have known him since we were little" 

"He lived in Leilani with you?"