Chapter 96

The wedding day arrived, a day we've all been waiting for. The house was filled with smell of delicious food and drinks all day and the ball room was adorned by flowers and gifts from various noble men who gifted Cameron McGray Jr on his wedding day. That early morning in Madre Cathedral is when I saw Cameron McGray Sr, the father. 

Cameron McGray Sr was a little chubby old man probably in his late sixties and he was also bald like his son. At least now I knew where Cameroon McGray Jr got his baldhead. His wife Mrs Linda McGray was a beautiful woman who had strange yellow hairs which laid back effortlessly behind her back, I asked Lady Yara about the color and she told me it was called "blonde" and that most women in America tend to dye their hairs now and then to make them look sexy. These McGrays were all slave owners and perhaps much of their wealth include how much slave they own.