Chapter 154

Lee stood up and walked towards me where I was standing close to the window. We exchanged looks but he was so shocked by what I just told him concerning Yishen.

"You saw him in a dream?" he asked.

"No, I saw him with my own eyes. I was neither sleeping nor tired to notice it was him. He was holding our son..." I smiled and then looked at the sky again which was filled with stars "My son, he was so handsome I can't describe him enough with just mere words. He hugged me with his hands, and then he called me Mama" 

Lee chuckled softly "Mama?" he asked. 

"Yes, he called me Mama and then he said don't cry Mama. I said I'm not crying... but my eyes were full of tears he could see them. He looked so happy with his father's arms wrapped around him. I never thought that I would be so happy and relieved like I am right now, I think Yishen found peace on the other side"