

Dear Diary,

I know I am not supposed to cry.

I did promise you that, Didn't I?

My heart is about to collapse again,

My mind has crossed the borderline.

I wish I could say this all out but it is hard for me to speak this to anyone.

Come on, I will show you what she meant.

Greeting, Stranger.

Let me tell you what it feels to be in her shoes.

she writes to me everyday.

And in her pain,

I am the way.

she might seem sweet and kind,

But behind those brown eyes is where everything lies.

she is special in her own way,

No need to judge her by the way she behaves.

She is a book with never ending pages,

So if you want to start understanding her again,

Go back to page one.

With every word that come out from her,

behind them lies the shadow of the dead.

It is so sad to see her like this,

But I know that,

Even if you break her heart,

I will fix it again...

Princy's Diary is where everything is,

You might not believe me,

But that is the truth.

You might not like it,

But that is where everything begins with.

Princy's memories and her fragile words,

will be kept with me,

And it will be my pleasure to hold it with my life.

As her secrets remains with me.