Doesn’t see as a man

"And there we go. You two are so flashy. It's so hard walking with you," Airi sighed, as those continuous chattering kept coming to them like a swarm of beeinf buzzing. 

She gave a glance at Carter, and found him freezing his eyes straight ahead, without looking anywhere. "Carter, you feelin' fine?"

"Why are these people so damn annoying and scary?" he muttered, clenching his teeth together. "I mean, just do your work y'all. What's with this ogling!" Airi peeked her head at him, and saw such a cold distant look at his eyes. Also, there was a faint hint of fright in them. "Carter, are ya scared of girls or what?" 

"Why would… I be? It's just, it feels weird, ogled by them. I feel awkward," he responded in the same way, chewing on his words. 

"Nah that's somethin' I know already, but you don't even talk properly with them…"