The drama cast

"Konnichiwa, minna-san. Genki ka?" Airi barged in the drama club room, like an unruly storm, as usual. 

"Oh, here you are, Prez. What made you late?" Alex walked up to her, greeting her back. "Are you feeling okay now?"

"You think I am so free, ya lazy bum?" Hearing Airi sneer back at him, Alex laughed out loudly. 

"Then you are doing fine. You were looking like a dead ghost for God's sake. Good that you are energetic now." Alex turned back at the people gathered around them. "Prez, these are the kids I got for the drama. They are interested in taking part, in short."

"Where is the Class Rep?" Airi eyed everyone, but didn't find the boy who was the class representative. 

"Fled. Said he will work double on the stalls, but he can't do the drama-thing."

"Bummer. 'Kay fine. Didya show everyone the script?"