It had to be too much

As the days passed by, the Shiro who once relied on a girl who saved him from the dark wall he built around himself, turned into someone who is a dependable soul for all.

"Shiro, you're so good at this."

"You're so kind to others."

"You're really smart."

"You're gentle."

"Man, you're good at sports."

The people who once said that he wasn't easy to get along with, that he was grumpy, it didn't take long to change those into something else, into praises, into admiration. Things were going good, Sayuri was becoming normal day by day, he was happy to see her feeling good too. He was relieved to make that change happen.

But then, two months after the death of Sayuri's parents.

On one fine evening, when the cold winter breeze was dissipating away slowly, making the surrounding a bit warmer, Tomoki Mogami announced a piece of news to his son. And with that, a suggestion.