You finally looked at me


Not long after his words were out, a loud beeping sound went on suddenly, startling Airi. She suddenly had a hunch about that sound, and immediately brought out the smart pad Ryo gave her. Sure enough, it was the one who made the noise.

"The bar reached to hundred percent, huh?" he calmly spoke matter of factly. As it was a given for it to reach the end at this particular time. Or he was just waiting for this moment, for that beep to go off. 

Airi had shown him and told him about how this worked, so it wasn't a surprise for her that he said those without looking at it even. But what was surprising was, the way he sounded, it almost seemed like he knew that it would get completed right now.

She looked up at him, and he was all the time staring at her, hands on his pockets, and with a little smile on his face. "There you have it. Your mission is completed."

"How… is this…"