Is he too embarrassed?

"Oh, Your Highness, you are here!"

Everyone else in the bathing hall stood on alert when Genette spoke up, seeing Airi entering into the room. But she found it hard to discern any of the maids individually, because of the thick smoke filling in the room. 

"Why this is so smokey dang!" she coughed a bit before waving her hand before her eyes to clear the smoke. 

"The bath is ready, Your Highness," Genette bowed a little before showing her the direction, and Airi slowly walked towards the large round bathtub. Even the bathtub was excluding the rich aura, as it had a similar type of design on the wooden surface of it. 

A bath sounds good, to be honest. As far as she remembers, she has been laying down on that super comfortable bed for straight a week. Even recalling that made her shiver. 

But the problem was something else. She looked around her, a room full of people. Maids, and even that super imposing lady Genette.