Chapter 4

Lastation/Eastern District/Morning/0 Days Until Avenir Raid

It was a seemingly normal morning, people were going along with their own lives and in a certain store the same Avenir Henchmen were going to barge into the clothing store and destroy it for the shopkeeper not paying up the due he never agreed to.

The shopkeeper was the tearful man from chapter 2 and currently he armed himself with buckets and a mopping pole. Jesus Christ, just buy a weapon; weapons are legal in this world.

The Avenir Henchmen giggled at his futile attempt.

"Lame~ it would've been better if you took our advice... But I guess not..." The leader of the henchmen turned to his group "Its time people, do what your paid for."

"I-I refuse to let this happen!" The shopkeeper responded as he wobbled.

"Heh, yeah right..." They approached him.

The people who were going on with their daily life averted their eyes, after all it's better to not acknowledge something like this. A certain not-Normal Alchemist who was just passing by froze and she saw what was happening. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to step in but everyone else around her was simply ignoring what was happening. If she got involved then something worse may happen to her instead. Who knows, she may lose her own Atelier?

As doubts clouded her mind, she remembered something. Or more like, the words of someone.


"is it wrong to help someone?" He said.

"No it's right to help people." She responded

"Even if you are branded evil by everyone beside you? Even if you have to discard the normal morals of people around you? Even if you remain alone as the only decent person willing to speak up?" He asked.

"I... Don't know..." She stated.

"My reason lies within the answer." He calmly stated.

'Because it's not wrong to help another, even if I'm condemned to hell itself.' She could still imagine him saying that.

She still did not have an answer, but at least she knew she could make a reasonable one unlike that pseudo-philosopher.


Reisalin Stout knew what to do; she always knew but merely averted her eyes from the truth. She breathed a deep sigh in.

She went in front of the ludicrously armed man and exclaimed.

"Stop!" Her eyes – while soft – glinted with determination.

The surrounding people stopped and observed what was happening. Some shook their heads in disappointment, some averted their eyes in horror at what's to come and some simply stared in pity.

"Trying to play hero, ey?" One of the henchmen asked.

"Hey, boss! You think we can have fun with her?" Another henchmen asked at the leader.

"Hmm... Well, she is thicc... She has thicc thighs, a gorgeous bottom and she's stacked... She hits my strike zone!" He examined which made Ryza shift in unease "Nah, I'll have her to myself."

"Aww man~" Someone complained.

"You had the last one though~" Another complained which made the crowd look at them with disgust.

'I didn't think this through...'Reisalin thought as she noticed that there were around 7 people surrounding her including the leader.

"Now then--" As he was about to start he was interrupted.

"Uhh, boss?" A henchmen called out which annoyed him

"What?!" He shouted as he twisted to look at the henchmen but he paused.

Cards... Cards. Cards. Cards. Calling Cards fell from the sky and began to litter Lastation like rain. The cards sent the residents in Lastation into an immense unease, as cards raining from the sky is not normal. Obviously.

The shopkeeper moved to pick up a card, the leader of the henchmen allowed him considering that his fate wouldn't change either way.

The back of the card held an insignia which was that of a mask resting on a giant red diamond. It seemed familiar, as if he had seen it before. The shopkeeper began to speak up and everyone remained silent. The birds, the winds, the crowd, everyone.

"Dear Avenir, great sinners of Greed and Gluttony, I the Phantom Thief of Gems – often given the moniker of the 'Planeptunian Phantom Thief' for some obscure reason – hereby declare that all that you own and treasure shall be reaped by yours truly.

-From The Phantom." The shopkeeper spoke out loud and confusion settled in within everyone, murmurs resonated the streets of Lastation like an unholy orchestra.

"STOP!" The leader of the Avenir Henchmen attempted to stop the citizens however they did not listen and even begun throwing objects at him.

"Boss!" A henchmen dragged his attention. "Headquarters is asking for reinforcements!"

This set every Avenir member nearby in a state of unease but furthered the populace's wrath.

"What are you waiting for then? Go!"

A certain figure hovered above the smoggy clouds as a certain fallen winged entity held him.

He coughed multiple times. The doofus breaking the suspense.

"Jesus Christ, these people need to stop building factories; it's Britain all over again..." He covered his mouth, took a deep breath and began utilising a technique which filters oxygen from harmful substances.

"Isn't it beautiful? The hearts of the people have taken arms to enact thy rebellion." Arsène commented.

"It truly is, the die has been cast and it's our job to take responsibility." The Phantom muttered as he pushed up his masquerade mask that had a resemblance to a bird.

He raised his hands – which wore red gloves – to show Arsène the device he used to drag all Avenir personnel back to their HQ.

"Funny, how machines can do so much good but also do so much bad." He smirked as he patted his chest which wore a stylish dark grey jacket – which may be resistant on many things – under his stylish but manoeuvrable tuxedo.

He held his Great Thief Stick in his palm. A gold bladed-short-cane which had a spherical bump below the handle, he hid it in his pocket and took out his black TT-33 pistol and examined it and put it back in his pocket.

"Well then..." He muttered.

"Its show time!"

Lastation/Northern District/Morning/0 Days Until Avenir Raid

Joker observed as the Henchmen directly headed towards their HQ through the smoggy clouds with the use of his Third Eye.

"Hmm... Interesting..." He muttered "They have their Avenir personnel heading towards two locations... One is heading here and the other is heading towards the Southern District." Joker used his Third Eye to track their base and then he proceeded to go on his spare phone.


Joker: Seems like they have another base; explore it.

Joker has sent a picture.

Joker: Its at the Southern District near the slum area.

Lisa: Roger that, Joker.


"Perfect." He muttered as he looked towards Arsène "Lets do this with style." Joker then proceeded to throw a chemical into the air which converged with the smoggy clouds.

Arsène chuckled through his demonic mask.

"Let us."

Arsène then proceeded to throw Joker even further into the air as he grabbed his mask.

Blue flames erupted from his mask as he reaffirmed it into place.

"Jack O' Lantern!" Joker exclaimed loud enough to gather attention.

A figure with a pumpkin for a head with a hat on top appeared, it's cloak covered Joker but that was fine.

"Agi!" Joker exclaimed as a normal fire ball hit the substance and transformed into an very large explosion.


"Its show time!" Joker bellowed as he switched personas and used Arsène to grab him.

"Let it rip!" Joker commanded as Arsène span round and round and round and launched him towards the base; right on top of their armory section.


Joker landed perfectly on a chair with his feet hanging on top of a desk. Avenir grunts surrounding him.

His red eyes glinted a brighter shade.

"So... Who's up for the Phantom Show?" Joker asked rhetorically as he casted a spell which put everyone to sleep.

"No one? Well that's a shame." He muttered as he jumped off the chair and directly headed towards their inventory area.

"Give the man that designed this place a reward! I mean seriously, an armory near an inventory? 10/10 best design layout I've ever seen." Joker's red eyes glinted menacingly as he kicked down the door with ease and entered a room full with Avenir soldiers.

"So... Any of you know the designer? I gotta give my regards like a true gentleman, you know?" He asked as they proceeded to fire bullets at him.

"Ali Dance..." He muttered as he halved all incoming damage and also proceeded to heal himself "Diarama..."

"Oh, now that hurt my feelings!" He stated towards them dramatically.

"The hell's this guy on?" Someone from the opposition muttered.

"Too bad I don't need them right now," He stated as he pushed up his mask which was set on blue fire.

"The fuck?! Did he set himself on fire?!" Someone asked.

"Arsène! Do tone down the Riot Gun." Joker commanded Arsène who agreed to do so "As you command Trickster."

"It can ta--?!" He didn't get to finish his words and neither did anyone else as they all collapsed, bullets in non-vital areas.

Joker then proceeded to walk all over their unconscious bodies and faced a vault directly.

"These people need to get with the times." Joker muttered as he put his hand on the lock and a few twists and turns undid it.


It opened and inside there were a lot of jewels and valuables. Needless to say that he proceeded to store everything in his PERSONA SYSTEM not the neptunian one.

"Done and done." He clapped his hands together. "Now then time for the rest." He stated as he exited the vault and robbed them of everything, their clothes, their weapons, their phones and everything in the armory too.

"Information is next." He stated as he proceeded to walk out the door and headed straight to the top.

"Lets bait them." Joker went into the courtyard which was in the centre of the place, he sat down on a chair and began to drink coffee like the true chad he is.

"He's in the courtyard near the eastern sector! I require reinforcements! He's... Drinking tea?" An Avenir Soldier who was getting reinforcements for himself reported.

"Leblanc Coffee actually." Joker commented.

"He's actually drinking Leblanc Coffee! Wait, why am I reporting something so meagre?" He questioned himself.

"Good question. Think about it when you wake up." Joker was surrounded in blue flames as Succubus appeared for a split second and casted Dormina on him to put the soldier to sleep, he then switched back to Arsène.


Avenir soldiers from all over surrounded him as he calmly drank coffee.

"This is all?" He asked to which a dumbass of a director agreed. Probably a double.

"Exactly, your surrounded by everyone; give up now." The director asked.

"So I'm guessing the robots are in the other base?" Joker asked.

"I'm surprised you know about it... But unless your a CPU – a goddess – or happen to be overpowered like one, then I highly doubt you'd even reach there. Even high-ranking adventurers would lose to the power of the Killachines, although they are working in progress " He explained.

'Works like a charm...' Arsène commented while Succubus questioned if someone this dumb was even supposed to be possible.

"Cool.. cool..." Joker finished his coffee and restored a bit of his SP "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name? I'll give it to honor your futile endeavour against my crusade to gain my dear goddess' love. My name's Ganache." He explained like the fanboy he is, reality would crush him someday.

"I see... I see..." Joker nodded as he threw his tea cup over his head.

"Take a nice nap in your own personal Phantom Show in your dreams, would you?" And like that Joker incapacitated the first Avenir HQ.

"Now then, let's steal some information~" Joker muttered as he noticed a floating camera that stated "Famitsu".

Joker smirked.

Avenir's reputation is going to be roasted whole.

'Was it worth it wasting time doing that?' Succubus asked as the voice of reason.

'Totally worth it.' Joker decided.

'Totally.' Arsène agreed.

'Yuppy hee!" Jack O' Lantern nodded.

'Yuppy ho!" Jack Frost also nodded.

'It was entertaining, so I'll allow it.' Messiah Picaro of all people agreed... What's the world coming to..?

'Wait! Messiah Picaro, your agreeing, what?!' Succubus was confused as all hell.

'Ahhh, these new found pleasures seem to originate from being tainted with the sin of wrath that Trickster holds... And not just any wrath, a wrath mixed with justice in its very essence.' Messiah Picaro stated.

'So your saying that a low-class Succubus like me is the only voice of reason?!' Succubus was slowly going insane.

'Don't worry, you'll always be a high-class Succubus in my heart.' Arsène commented.

'O-oh... Is that so...' Succubus blushed 'Wait! I'm the Succubus here, I'm supposed to be the one seducing! Plus, this isn't even your heart! This is Trickster's heart!' Succubus complained.

"Focus..." Joker muttered as he proceeded to observe all the files that Ganache held in his desk, he picked out the important ones and then he proceeded to go on his computer.

"I see it..." He muttered as he saw a numbered password which required a few digits however Joker already found the password. In his hentai manga.

'Yo what the fuck, why there?' Succubus asked.

Joker accessed the computer and proceeded to insert a USB into the computer and proceeded to copy all the files. Including the hentai, who knows how much information – the literal useful kind – is hidden in his hentai. Fucking lolicon.

"Damn, lolicons..." He shook his head in disgust as he finished copying everything on the computer. Soon after he implanted another USB which destroyed everything and even extended towards the other HQ.

"Tch, they noticed that they were compromised." Joker muttered as the other HQ cut off all affiliations with this one.


Joker checked his phone and saw it was Lisa and she sent a map. Just in time.

Joker smirked.

Lastation/Southern District/Morning/0 Days Until Avenir Raid

Joker floated in the air on top of the HQ with Arsène holding him through the smoggy clouds.

"Same trick as last time?" Arsène asked.

"Not quite." Joker responded "The opposite actually."

"Launch me into the air." Joker asked as Arsène complied.

Blue flames erupted around Joker who reaffirmed his mask.

"Jack Frost!" Joker called out to a figure that resembled a cartoon snowman and a jester with its blue clown hat which had a golden smiley face implanted between the floppy parts of the blue hat which extended backwards, it also had the standard clown neck warmer which had the edges devolve into golden balls, it's blue shoes also had the top part has golden. It's eyes and mouth were like a cartoon, they were blankly black; honestly it looks eerie.

"Mabufula!" He exclaimed as large pillars of ice started to rain down on their HQ. "Mabufula! Mabufula! Mabufula!"

As gravity began to work it's magic on Joker again, he summoned Arsène with the reminiscent blue flames to hold him.

"Riot Gun!" He commanded as severe gun damage shed the ice pillars into tiny little shards.

"Arsène." Joker called out to Arsène


"Lets make a tornado." He asked as Arsène's demonic mask chuckled. "Very well..."

Arsène then proceeded to spin him round and round and round and eventually launched Joker towards their HQ. The ice also accompanying him like moths to a flame.

"Well, let's see here... it's divided into 6. The first second seems to be an armory for the human resources, the second seems to be a command centre, the third seems like a robotic manufacturing area, the fourth seems like an area in which they keep their materials, the fifth seems to be the standard ol' chief director's branch and lastly the sixth seems to be where they keep all their robots." Joker scrolled down and examined his temporary phone.

"Incoming!" Someone from Avenir exclaimed as a large mist of ice seemingly appeared from the sky, and it wasn't just a small amount but a stupid amount.

"Welp, looks like it's show time." Joker muttered as he slipped his phone into his pocket.


Joker directly crashed onto a robot.

"Well... That landing could've been better..." He grunted as he got off the robot he crushed during his fall "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Fire!" Someone exclaimed but their weapons wouldn't work. "Huh..." They smashed their weapons hoping for something to work.

"As a person who aspires to be a doctor if the Phantom Thief gig doesn't work out, I'll diagnose your weapons with an intense case of frostbite..." Joker walked calmly towards them as they began to panic "So... why don't you join and bite the dust?"

Joker's red eyes glowed brightly in mischievous glee.

"Cosmic Flare..." Joker commanded as a blue light enveloped them all as they fell "Don't worry, I toned down the power by stupid amounts. You should live... Just with a bit of trauma with the colour 'blue'."

He then proceeded to examine the place and noticed that he was in the human resources area.

"Umu. I know what to do." Joker stated as he proceeded to rob them naked as well as the entire sector.

He clapped his hands together after he finished storing everything in his persona inventory. Also some nice touches to the actual humans of the human resources department.

"Kukuku..." Joker chuckled as he ran to the next section which was the manufacturing area.

Joker tried to kick down the door to the area but failed. He face planted.

"Redo." He deadpanned as blue flames erupted from his mask and Arsène appeared "Cleave!" and be proceeded to rip open the door with his claws.

Avenir soldiers all around with a mixture of robots in the mix.

"Someone call reinforcements! We'll hold him off as much as possible!" Someone from the group of Avenir units requested.

"Hey wanna know something cool? A Demon Kingdom without any demons is just a normal kingdom, so it's my job as a rebellious demon to get rid of you lot." Joker monologues as he activated his skill which strengthened his magical attacks by 50%.

"So..." He gripped his mask which burst into flames.

"His mask burst into flames?!" Someone called out.

"Shit, he's doing something! Fall back!" Another person ordered.

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck... I didn't sign up for this!" Some even began to flee.

"Wait! Come back you cowards!" Another person called out.

"Why don't you take a big fat Megidolaon in your face?" They all suddenly felt the pressure of an Almighty attack weigh them to the ground and proceeded to crush them. They were still alive though, thieves don't kill but the same cannot be said for the robots.

"And you tried to get reinforcements..." An Avenir Soldier attempted to crawl away to which Joker kicked him in the noggin to knock him out. "But sadly, you were too late..."

"Now then... time to go boom boom..."

As Joker exited the manufacturing area, and he had already safely evacuated anyone unconscious and anyone who was still conscious was promptly made into the former, the area started to collapse in a light blue explosion.



Joker: Where are you?

Lisa: Command Centre.

Joker: I'll tell you when to disable the robots, and if you can get rid of their emergency power supply.

Lisa: Roger.


"Nya.... It's nyan nyan time..." Morgana, or rather, Lisa muttered as she was in a vent looking at people monitor the rest of the base; this event being clearly out of nowhere seemed to have put them on a red alarm, which also was coincidentally beeping loudly in Lisa's delicate ears. Needless to say it hurt the cat like hell.

'The important-looking guy over there seems to be the one commanding things.' Lisa noted as she looked at an overweight 40-year old – appearance wise – man who had a birthmark near his eye, he honestly doesn't look like a bad person.


The whole building vibrated as an enormous explosion resonated the place.


Lisa checked her phone and saw that it was him.


Joker: Now would be a good time.

Lisa: Yo what the fuck was that?!

Joker: Language!

Joker: Also, did you know that their Killachines actually bleed blood for some reason.

Joker: Green blood fsr.

Lisa: You didn't answer my question!

Joker: Just do it already.

Joker: Oh and I already robbed their human resources department, got records of the people they extorted, got records of people and companies their affiliated with, got their suppliers, destroyed their robot manufacturing area – I'm not paying for the damages – and I robbed their inventory which held materials and also I went to the chief director's office – he wasn't there – and got all the necessary info.

Joker: K, gotta go bye. Make sure to take care of the command centre.

Lisa: Wait!

Joker has left the chat.


'That rebellious child! I'll give him a stern talking to when we get back!' Haha no you won't, stupid cat.

"Hah..." Lisa sighed as she jumped out the vent.

"What the--" Someone exclaimed as they saw Lisa come out the vent "Oh it's just a cat..." He sighed in relief.

Lisa diluted her eyes to seem harmless.

"Aww so cute... Stay there, okay?" He ignored Lisa.

A few seconds later.

"AHHHHH!" Screams reverberated as Lisa's persona Angel used Makouga to one hit them all from behind with a light attack that does medium damage, she also proceeded to scratch their faces and draw on them with nearby pens.

"Joker needs help." Angel, a gorgeous woman with blond hair and black blind folds and her body being covered by a few black laces – to the point that she's not covering anything – flapped her bright white wings as she informed Lisa, the broken chain around her neck floating in the air.

"But I rarely get the chance to do this..." Lisa looked downcasted at the exhibitionist of a spirit.


The wall broke open as a certain masked thief was running from 5 machines of the same kind. Immense hovering robots holding an axe and a mace.


"Yo what the fuck bro?! You shot rockets out of your ass?! Shoot them out of your fingers and chest like every other robot!" Joker commented "And Lisa, get on with it!"

The monster cat – that resembled a sentient plushe wearing a masquerade mask – frowned.

"Ugh... Fine!" She relented as she hopped onto their control commands computer and started pressing random buttons.



They started shooting lasers out of their eyes...


"What the actual fuck?! They started shooting lasers out of their eyes!" Joker complained "What are you actually doing?!"

"I'm a cat, I don't know!" Lisa retorted.

"Then just smash it! That seems to always do the trick!" Lisa heard this and was going to retort however she paused "You know... you're right..."

Lisa then pulled out an axe out of nowhere and began to hammer down on the controls.


Lisa then joined up with Joker as he patted slightly.

"When is the AI war going to start?" He said with extreme sarcasm. I think.

"Anyway, Lisa, just in time for the climax!" Joker commented as he smirked and reaffirmed his mask which glowed blue flames and the spectral form of Arsène chuckled behind him.

"Heat Riser!" Joker boosted his attack, defense and agility "Cosmic Flare!" His nuclear skill also seemed to knock them out.

"Makouga!" Lisa summoned Angel to do light damage to them but they had resist towards it so it didn't do much.

"Its Show Time!" Joker exclaimed as Lisa nodded.

"Roger that captain!" Lisa – the monster cat – smiled menacingly.

Suddenly the scene changed, it resembled Arkham city with lights looking for something. Or rather someone.

"!" A question mark appeared on Joker's head as he gave off a cocky smile "Looks like you found me..."

"Indeed, I have!" Lisa the plushe cat which strangely resembles Mona except with yellow eyes exclaimed "And your verdict is death!" Lisa then began to fire beams of light at Joker... Or rather the person behind him, the Killachines.

"Oh, you meant them..." He muttered "Well, don't mind if I do join in on the party." Joker chuckled as clapped his hands together with Lisa.

"Phantom Crusade!" A mixture of nuclear, curse, explosion, bless and almighty attacks rained down on the Killachines and utterly destroyed them into dust.

"Show's over." Joker tugged on his red gloves as he began to walk away.

Whilst he walked away Joker noticed the Famitsu reporter camera hovering.

He smirked and gave a peace sign.

"Now all that's left is giving back people's possessions..." Joker muttered.

"You know anybody who can do that?" Lisa asked.

Joker smirked as he pointed at the Famitsu camera with his thumb.

"I have an idea."

Thus, Joker manage to destroy an entire company into the ground. Luckily he's a criminal so he doesn't have to pay for the damages.