Chapter 11

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Morning

'Ngh...' Sean groaned as he morbidly wished he was dead. His whole body was unbelievably sore.

When he woke up, he saw the same hotel ceiling, hence concluded they somehow won. He lifted his torso off the sheets—

'Wait, sheets? I sleep on the couch.' Sean then immediately concluded his team let him sleep on the bed because of worry. 'They shouldn't have.' He shook his head as he saw Morgana sleeping.

"Oh, your awake?" IF asked as she was calmly drinking... coffee whilst on the couch.

"What happened?" Sean asked – curious of the situation – as he sat on the bed's edge and stared IF deeply in the eyes.

"We managed to lift the curse off them, and they were all apprehended by the Guild." She responded as she read a newspaper and took a sip from her coffee.

"Curse?" Sean lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it looked creepy and through many reports it was dubbed as 'Dark Anchor Curse', you kinda can tell what it suggests." IF seemed unperturbed as she explained it.

"What about Conversation?" Sean asked as she grimaced.

"She went missing; it was as if she never existed which honestly baffles all that were involved." IF closed her newspaper and threw it on the table.

"What about the gangs?" Sean asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"I told you before, they were apprehended. Although, most of the blame went towards their leaders; funny thing, the leaders were childhood friends but the gang violence escalated. Peace would've been possible if it wasn't for Izaya. Anyway, everyone who was involved has been accounted for." IF took a sip from his coffee.

"What about Izaya?" Sean asked as IF had a confused and slightly livid expression.

"Turns out his borderline insane behaviour we saw was an afteraffect of visiting the cave all by himself." Her face scrunched up "Now – since the curse is gone – he's a passive sarcastic prick, the fucker knew how much danger we would be in but didn't say anything." IF gulped her coffee.

"How long was I out?" Sean asked as IF seemed frustrated.

"You were out for a week." She responded.

"...How?" He couldn't help but ask.

"You overused your SP. If you used a different skill which was even a tiny bit more expensive then you would've apparently fallen into a coma." She responded.

'Well SP is part of my soul.' Sean rationalized.

"Seriously?!" IF exclaimed which drew his attention to her "What's wrong with you? Why did you do something so dangerous?" She was frustrated.

He decided to give an honest answer.

"Because your precious to me." Sean stated with a determined face as her face lit red like a bulb.

"W-wha-Hwat?" She stuttered, confused.

"Not only you, Jotaro – even if we didn't spend much time together – and Marvy too. Your all precious to me and I'd sooner be in coma than let all of you die." He declared as IF's face was hidden by her hair.

"IF?" He called out.

"Hehehe..."An eerie chuckle reached the Thief's ears "Hahahaha.... That's what you meant." She muttered as she glared at Sean "Sean you big fat jerk!"

Sean was confused as IF jumped off the couch and slapped him across the face, twice.

"Ow..." He muttered as he saw IF's fury calm down as she sat back down on the couch and took a mouthful of coffee.

"What about Marvy and Jotaro?" Sean asked as IF neutrally nodded.

"Marvy had another quest to complete whilst Jotaro had to head back to Lowee to attend his niece's wedding." She informed as Sean nodded.

"Guess there won't be any celebration feast." He muttered as there was now silence.

During this silence, Sean took the liberty to examine the system loot. 'Sung-Jin-Woo's Diary?' He seemed perplexed as he brought up the description for it.


Sung-Jin-Woo's Diary

Description: The diary of a future shadow monarch who's destiny had to be cut short.

Rewards: Understanding+++, Kindness+, Courage++++


'Hmm...' Sean could feel the fact that his Understanding would finally rank up if he decided to read this 'I'll read it later.'

He then decided to inspect his statistics.



HP: [== == == == ==] 500

SP: [== == == == ==] [== == == == ==] [== == == == ==] 1500

Leader Effect:

[Social Power adds onto all parameters]


[Social Links adds onto SP]

[Community Links adds onto HP]

Disc Effect:[Flame Emblem (old)]

[Tabletop Perspective Lv.2]

[Morale Boost Lv.1]

[Group SP regeneration Lv.3]

[Withdraw Gift Lv.2]

Coupling effect:


Level: [13 UP]


[STR: 238 UP] [VIT: 238 UP]

[INT: 360 UP] [MEN: 360 UP]

[AGI: 360 UP] [TEC: 238 UP]

[LUK: 360 UP] [MOU: 50 UP]

[Fire: None] [Water: Null] [Light: -20%]

[Wind: None] [Electric: None] [Dark: Null]



Innate Traits:



Partner Traits:



In terms of general statistics then he was still weaker than his whole team by a wide margin as his level increased only by 8 whilst their overall levels reached their mid thirties and forties. He also gained 3 new combo skills, but it also seems like he gained no SP skills.

Since that's done, what should he do?

"Hey, IF." He called out to the grumpy agent who turned towards him with a questioning expression.

"You free? Want to hang out?"

And it was like this, the Thief had managed to appease the Blue Coat.

"Yes. Yes, I would." She replied.

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Western (foodie) District/Morning.

Sean, like his father before him and his grand father before him, had a hard time understanding women. So he pretty munch roamed the Foodie District and let IF drag him around to places she was interested in.

"Hmm.... Since its early in the morning, we should have the feast at the evening." She muttered as she then turned to Sean "What do you wanna do?"

'What should we do?' Sean asked his personas.

'Sex.' Succubus instantly replied.

'Orphanage.' Messiah Picaro commented.

'Park.' Arsène replied.

'Games~ ho!' The Jacks were in unison.

'Be a dear and take her somewhere nice for your date. Somewhere like the park.' Lilith informed in a sweetly motherly voice.

'Park it is.' He decided.

"Wanna go to a nearby park?" Sean asked her.

"Sure, that's fine by me." She replied.

Planeptune/Eresthian City/City Central/Park/Morning

They were surrounded by kids. More specifically, IF was surrounded by kids.

'Looks like the Legendary Chuunibyou returns.' Sean stared at IF giving fancy and dramatic stories from a bench.

"An then the minions of the shadow emperor screeched in rage as the emperor of the abyss – which they served - summoned more of his allies! However it wasn't over yet..! The fallen angel whom was bound by a contract to never harm miraculously steals the abyssal orb which was summoning more shadows and then he destroyed it with the last bits of holy energy he had left!" IF depicted a story which seemed to be a childish summarization of their last mission; Sean faintly smiled as he let the fresh air of Planeptune embrace him. Unlike Lastation, the Planeptunian air was clear and fresh, he liked that aspect of this nation.

"What happened next?" A sickly teenager of around 13 asked, Sean narrowed his eyes. There were signs of child abuse.

"Aya, it's obvious that the fallen angel died from the curse." Another child shook his head.

"But he didn't harm anyone?" She asked.

"He harmed the orb." The child retorted back as if it was obvious.

"Now, now, calm down." IF calmed the bickering children "In fact, like Aya said, nothing happened beside the fallen angel losing his ability to use his holy magic forever."

"Forever?" Another child asked.

"Yes, forever; but thankfully the fallen angel wasn't the least bit concerned. Afterall, the heavenly demon would still assist him even if the fallen angel would think she would not." IF explained.

"Does the heavenly demon like the fallen angel?" Someone asked.

"H-Huh? W-well, I would think she does since she would do anything to help him. A-and not only her, the other two; both the golem and the musical ninja would support him as he gained their respect!" She clarified.

'Would they really though? I didn't awaken a bond with either of them, and Marvy didn't seem to enjoy my presence at first. Although, it's nice to know IF would help out in my time of need.' Sean internally felt slightly warm as it soon disappeared 'Though, I won't force her into any danger if possible. Although, I will still let her assist the Purple CPU when she falls down, but I'll try to reduce the likelihood of mortal danger.'

"Get on with the story!" Another child in the crowd demanded.

"Oh, that's right!" IF reeled her thoughts back in "After, the orb was destroyed the shadow emperor had enough! He teleported to the fallen angel and kicked him so far he crashed into a wall and became incapable of any form of movement. The ninja of music, the golem and the heavenly demon would not stand still though. The ninja of music danced rhythmically as she slashed all the projectiles that were faster than lightning, the golem had to become a barrier to separate all damage whilst the heavenly demon threw magic spells after magic spells whilst the fallen angel supported them through his unholy spells which deprived himself of his own life force." IF paused.

"What happened next?" Someone asked.

"After a long and harsh battle, they found out the only spell that would be effective was the heavenly demon's holy magic. However, her magic was too ineffective to actually damage the foul undead. So the fallen angel commanded her to do the spell whilst casting his own spell. Does anyone know what kind of spell it was?" IF asked the crowd.

"A support skill?" The abused child coughed as she answered.

'I'll do something about it.' Sean decided.

"Yes... But the support skill was for inexchange for his own life. He gave one final thanks to the heavenly demon – his friend throughout his entire journey – and gave her the power to destroy the shadow emperor. She destroyed the shadow emperor, but soon she realised that the fallen angel was standing still— Unmoving. He died standing up. The heavenly demon broke down as she realised she wouldn't be able to convey her feelings any longer, she would never see his smile anymore, she would never hear his sarcastic jokes anymore, she would never taste his cooking anymore." The children began to slowly crying "The end."

'Damn, that was a big tragedy story. IF could become a good writer if she ever decided to retire.' Sean smiled, it was a good story.

"T-that's not the end, is it?" Aya asked as she sobbed along with other children.

"Hmm... However!" She gathered their attention "In the final moments of her life – because she was inflicted by a gruelling curse – she saw the fallen angel greet her with open arms in their own safe little haven." She concluded.

There was a moment as the children stopped sobbing and became solemnly silent.

"Why did the fallen angel do all that? Why did he give his life up? Why did he devote his whole life to helping others? Why was he so selfless?" A curious child asked.

"Hmm... If you ask me, it was because of redemption. The fallen angel was cast out of heaven because of his desire to be free, however unlike humans, he needed to be granted that privilege which he never was. So he rebelled and hurt many in the process to achieve freedom, even at the cost of his own wings' purity. After he gained freedom, he realised how important order was and how freedom could easily lead to chaos and destruction. So, just to prove his maker wrong, he decided to rebel against that notion which was decided by his maker and instead chose to help people—to show that freedom and chaos could also lead to peace and development and most importantly: happiness, whilst righting all his own wrongs." IF answered as Sean's poker face nearly dropped, it hit close to home.

"I think that's why he decided to help the heavenly demon in her journey. Because they were both rebels, in their own right. The heavenly demon wanted to be acknowledged as something other than 'evil' or 'bad' which was next to impossible given by how she was treated by others, whilst the fallen angel wanted to be selfish and free. They both wanted something against their own natures." IF explained "I think that's why the fallen angel helped her; because he saw himself in her even though they were opposites in nature. One fell into sin, the other arose to virtue. Something which everyone would've hated them for."

"Hated them for?" The abused child, Aya, asked.

"Yes. For not staying in their 'place', however that did not mean anything to them. They wanted it so they decided to achieve it through their own efforts, even through the consequences." IF then clapped her hands "Anyway! The story is over! And it looks like your parents are waiting for you." She then was surrounded by parents who began to thank her for the story.

'Seems like they enjoyed it too.' A faint – graceful – smile formed on Sean's face.

After she was done being thanked, she approached Sean and sat down near him.

"How'd you like the story?" She asked.

"It was really good; you could become a popular author if you ever try." Sean complimented her.

"Of course it was! I am a Maker afterall!" IF decided to be smug for a moment. It was nice to indulge once in a while.

"Maker?" His eyebrow raised.

"Oh right, you don't know much about the outside world." She muttered as she thought Sean came from a really secluded village "Makers are those who inspire development."

"Couldn't anyone inspire development?" Sean asked.

"I'm talking about a singular person who inspires development of all kinds, like fighting games or new technology or even certain personality traits or even fighting moves." She explained.

The idea was vague but Sean understood the general idea as he nodded.

"People are granted the title of 'Makers' by the people and if enough decide it, then the Guild officiates their 'Maker' status. There's a lot of benefits, like getting discounts, getting access to places you normally wouldn't or even more access to restricted weapons." IF explained.

"Hmm... Can criminals get the 'Maker' status?" Sean asked.

"In fact they can, if they meet certain requirements." She nodded.

"Any examples?" He was curious.

"Hmm... some examples is 'Fang Fencer', 'Spike Spiegel', 'Alucard' and maybe even that 'Suimei Yakagi'." She stated as Sean raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh, why?" He asked.

"Fang Fencer was imprisoned for stealing bread." She stated as Sean interrupted.

"You serious?" He asked as a Maker probably wasn't poor.

"Well to be fair, he's known as one of the laziest adventurers. Anyway, the next is 'Spike Spiegel' who worked for a dangerous group before becoming a mercenary – someone who does the same jobs as adventurers but is unaffiliated with the Guild – then there's 'Alucard' whom is a vampire killer – numbering the thousands – then there's the last one." She paused as she looked unsure "The last one 'Suimei Yakagi' is odd."

"How so?" Sean raised an eyebrow.

"He's someone who has an immense greed for knowledge and he does help others, however apparently he killed a murderer but the murderer hadn't been judged yet so he was judged as a criminal for the crime of murder. And he also refused to be apprehended, but the Guild won't take active force to arrest him unless he does a worse crime." She informed "He's classified as a 'low-priority criminal' he's not really sought after and he can even accept Guild quests." She explained as Sean needed a moment to process it.

"What about that one thief that's been popular lately?" Sean asked as he then realised that Morgana was still at the hotel. 'Oh well, her loss.'

"Him, huh?" IF muttered as she began to think about it "According to recent announcements, the Phantom Thief Of Gems is not to be announced as a 'Maker' until he turns himself in." She responded as Sean immediately decided not to. "But if there's enough support then he can become a Maker, but right now he doesn't have that support."

"Huh that so?" Sean muttered as he then looked at the sun and turned to IF.

"The sun's setting, so we should go to the restaurant I booked." Sean commented.

"You booked a restaurant?" She asked as he nodded.

"Yeah, while you were giving that story of yours. Let's go." He grabbed her palm – unbeknownst to her slight reddening – and led her to the designated restaurant.

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Western (Foodie) District/Evening

They entered a restaurant called "Yào yòng qíguān" which roughly translated into "Medicinal Wonders". It was fairly packed.

"Tasty~!" A customer exclaimed along with a few others as they... held the same expression Jotaro and Marvy did when they ate Sean's food.

'Must be a local trait reaction to food, or something.' Sean muttered as he noticed that they barely fit the dress code. Sean was dressed into his classy persona 5 style whilst IF was still in her normal attire, however by taking off her jacket she seemed to barely fit the dress code as it looks like she's wearing a dress when in actuality she's wearing a black corset.

"Are you Sean Lupin and IF Idea?" A waiter asked as Sean nodded "Then follow me." And soon they were led to a table which could hold both of them, face to face.

'Like a stereotypical date.' IF noticed as she shook her head off her blush. 'He isn't someone who would go on dates knowing how dense he is.' When IF means dense, she means dense.

'I mean, seriously; one time he was being hit on by multiple people at the same time – probably because his personality is quite good – but he somehow missed all the signs.' IF inwardly shivered at the memory of someone trying to get their point across to the point that they literally asked to go to a hotel with him to which Sean replied by giving his money to her and directing her to a nearby hotel.

"What are you ordering?" Sean asked IF who snapped out of her daze and then began to hastily grab the menu and look at the options.

"Soft-Shelled Turtle Hamburger." She stated as the waiter wrote it down.

"Hmm... I'll have Mutton Meat Shimotsu-to Curry." Sean decided as he wanted to do something.

"Want to compare?" IF knew exactly what he wanted to do.

Sean smirked.

"You bet." Through the corner of his eye he could see a short-haired – which reached her chin – pinkette with fiery eyes look at him.

Seems like she overheard.

"We're done for the day, so might as well as see this customer's so-called evaluation." She stretched her arms as she saw a waiter put food on their table along with a glass of water.

'So she's a cook, huh?' Sean realised 'Then might as well give a positive-ish review to not ruin her day. Afterall, running a shop of any kind is tasking and hearing complaints is a pain in the ass.'

IF stared at her burger and took a bite. She gave off the strange expression the other customers did and after finishing it she looked at Sean. He watched her eat.

"How'd it taste?" He asked as she gave a thumbs up.

"Cool." He nodded as he dipped his spoon in the food and calmly ate it, and since he noticed IF looking at him he offered her a spoon. She ate one bite but then started to act awkwardly, then refused so Sean calmly ate the food.

"Not bad." Sean nodded as he calmly – without any of those dramatic movements – placed down his spoon.

'Not bad?!' Hisako seemed livid that someone played down her cooking which she spent hours to perfect.

She approached him and gave an amicably smile.

"Dear customer, could you tell me what was unsatisfactory about this particular dish?" She asked.

'I gave her a positive reply though.' Sean raised an eyebrow 'Probably wants to expand her repertoire or further grow. Who am I to deny growth?'

"The medicinal taste of the curry is too overpowering to the senses; it may be good for the elderly but for the young like me and below generally would find this to be too overpowering. The aftertaste after drinking a glass of water would still remain which may deter many people since the medicinal aftertaste still remains and not many young would really like that. It's comparable to a sour candy, it overloads the senses to being unbearable and remains." Sean evaluated "My advice would be to try to make the flavour either less overpowering or reduce the time it takes to remain."

The pinkette nodded multiple times.

"Is that so... I see, that's a problem too..." She then bowed "Thank you for the review!"

"Don't worry about it; plus, I may be wrong, afterall I'm just some random guy." Sean rubbed his neck in discomfort.

"No! Thank you for the review. It will help further my cooking hence why I'm thanking you." She lifted herself from the bow.

"Now then, I must be going." She left back into the kitchens.

Sean went over to the menu and saw that the chef was labelled in the corner.

'Her name's Hisako Arato... I swear that's the name of that secretary from that food anime?' Sean realised.

"Shall we go back?" Sean asked IF whom nodded.

"Yeah, let's go."

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Night

They entered the hotel room and they both did separate things. IF went to the bathroom to take a bath whilst Sean went to give Morgana some burgers she liked.

"How was the date?" Morgana asked as she munched on the burger.

"It wasn't one." He raised an eyebrow as it soon reduced again "And it was great, or at least I hope so."

"Cool." Morgana didn't say any more and continued to consume her food.

"Gotta check my phone." Sean muttered as he realised that Chian, Ryza and anyone else with his phone number would be nervous at his silence.


Normal Alchemist (6 days ago): You there?

Normal Alchemist (5 days ago): Hello??? Hello??? Hello???....


Normal Alchemist (4 days ago): I'm going to be really mad if you don't respond!

Normal Alchemist (4 days ago): I'm really worried about you!

Normal Alchemist (4 days ago): Jerk.


Normal Alchemist (3 days ago): You there????


Normal Alchemist (2 days ago): Your not really gone... Are you?


Normal Alchemist (1 day ago): Your really gone aren't you..?


Normal Alchemist (Morning): ...Daily check up?



'Seems like she's been really worried...' Sean realised as he glanced eyes towards Morgana who was still eating and urged him to continue with a nod.


The Fool: Hey.

Normal Alchemist: YIUR BACK!

The Fool: That was fast.

Normal Alchemist: I swa so wottied

The Fool: You were 'wottied'? Oh you hurt my dictionary.

Normal Alchemist: It's 'worried' and you know it!

The Fool: I may not know tho?

Normal Alchemist: Ugh! After all the wait your still a massive jerk!

Normal Alchemist: Give my worry back!

The Fool: Sorry, was just kidding with you.

Normal Alchemist: Anyway... where've you been? I was so worried!

The Fool: Meh, I was really injured and just woke up in the morning.

Normal Alchemist: Take a long rest, okay?

The Fool: I plan to stay in Planeptune for a while for my rest.

Normal Alchemist: Good!

The Fool: So how you've been doing?

Normal Alchemist: I've been worried about you all day to the point I'm making so much errors!

Normal Alchemist: I've been using twice the materials needed than usual because of you!

The Fool: Is that so... Well, I'm not sorry.

Normal Alchemist: You should be! The festival preparations have been a pain!

The Fool: Festival?

Normal Alchemist: Yeah, Lady Noire is planning to reintroduce herself publicly.

Normal Alchemist: It's going to be so much fun!


'I have a bad feeling about this...' Sean muttered as all his personas also agreed.


The Fool: I see... I'll try to stick around for it.

Normal Alchemist: You better!

Normal Alchemist: Anyway, you better text Chian now!

Normal Alchemist: She's been worried sick about you!

The Fool: I'll do just that then.

The Fool: Bye

Normal Alchemist: See you.

The Fool: See you.

Normal Alchemist: See you.

The Fool: How childish. See you.


"Guess Chian's next." Sean muttered as he opened the messaging screen for Chian.

"Damn..." Sean muttered as he saw a bunch of spam from Chian "She must've been really worried."


The Fool has refreshed the page, please review the History to observe past messages.

The Fool: I'm back.


Chian: Your back?!

The Fool: Yeah.

Chian: That's a relief...

Chian: Well, you ARE too stubborn to die, after all.

The Fool: Oi, is that a compliment or not?

Chian: Who knows~

The Fool: Anyway, what's up?


The Fool: Hello?

Chian: Sorry, Ryza just texted me you came back so I let her know I'm on the chat with you.

The Fool: Kk.

Chian: Anyway, just like Ryza said, I've been doing preparations for the festival of Lady Noire's return.

The Fool: Hmm... Be careful.

Chian: ...Odd of you to say that.

The Fool: It may be speculation or just my unstable intuition, but I think something's gonna go wrong.

Chian: What? You think I'm gonna fail on the job or something?

The Fool: No, no! I mean, it's possible that a third party is going to interfere with the festival; stuff's been weird in Planeptune.

Chian: ...How so?

The Fool: A possible set up by someone called "Conversation" which caused a lot of problems to the point that travel was reduced and lots of places had to lock down or close out of fear.

Chian: I see... If I hear anyone of that name, then I'll let you know.

The Fool: K, thanks.

Chian: Anyway, what've you been up to?

The Fool: Well I fell into a short week long rest because of overuse of an SP Skill.

Chian: So, that's why.

The Fool: Yeah, in hindsight it probably wasn't the best thing to do but at that particular moment it was the only thing I thought would actually help quickly whilst not exhausting us any longer.

Chian: Don't worry, I'm not gonna fault you.

Chian: ...Just stay safe, alright?

The Fool: ...I'll think about it.

Chian: ...Sean.

The Fool: Fine, I'll try.

The Fool: That's all that I'm willing to do.

Chian: That's all I ask for.

Chian: Anyway, what's my mysteriously normal assistant's next plan of action?

The Fool: This humble steed requests an even longer temporary leave, for he needs to rest his tooshie on a bed for a short amount of time; around half a fortnight!

Chian: Then a gracious employer like me shall allow as such, doth rest to become a soldier once more.

The Fool: As thou commands.

Chian: lol

The Fool: ikr

Chian: Anyway, you may wanna continue contacting other people then.

The Fool: I'll do just that then.

Chian: See you.

The Fool: See ya.


"Hmm... She's probably more worried than she lets on..." Sean muttered "Gotta do something to make it up to her."

Sean then swiped some more.

"Huh, RED seemed worried too." Sean muttered as he saw spam.

'Told you, she's probably worried about you.' Succubus looked smug at that fact.

'Yeah, yeah; your the smartest.' Sean rolled his eyes.

'More like the most sane.' Messiah Picaro interrupted.

'I knew it! You guys are aware of the insanity but your letting me deal with it!' Succubus pointed her fingers, the rude cunt.

'...No comment.' Messiah Picaro looked away as did the other personas.

'Now, now... don't tease her.' Lilith asked them as Succubus looked teary eyed at the benevolence. They were demons damn it 'Do it later.' That's more like it.

"Guess, I'll let RED know next." Sean muttered as he refreshed the page.


The Fool has refreshed the page, please review the History to review past messages.

The Fool: So how's my favourite wifey collector doing nowadays?

Wifey Collector: WIFEY!!!

The Fool: So fast?! It wasn't even a second! Also, I'm a guy!

Wifey Collector: Doesn't matter! Are you okay?!

The Fool: It matters to me! Also, yeah I'm okay.

The Fool: Although my body is numb so I'll guess I'll rest for a while.

Wifey Collector: Good, good! Rest is important!

The Fool: Yeah, I can tell.

Wifey Collector: So what made you like this? I'll repay anyone who harms my Wi

Wifey Collector: Fellow wifey collector.

The Fool: You were totally gonna type "wifey" weren't you?

Wifey Collector: Hohoho~ could you finally be admitting to your status as my wifey?

The Fool: Never. As long as I have blood in this fragile husk I call a body, I shall never become a wifey.

Wifey Collector: Ufufufu~ is that so? Don't worry, I know the truth! 👍

The Fool: You know what, why am I the wifey? In fact your MY wifey!

Wifey Collector: Me... as a... Wifey?

The Fool: ...That came out wrong, lemme rephrase that.


Wifey Collector: ...In normal circumstances I would accept however since you aren't the wifey I MUST REFUSE

Wifey Collector: Daga Kotowaru!

The Fool: Saying the same thing but in different languages doesn't really change anything; actually, why do I have to get rejected twice?!

The Fool: I never confessed!

Wifey Collector: The wifey between the two of us is you! Remember that!

The Fool: I refuse!

Wifey Collector: I refuse your refusal!

The Fool: You may have refused my refusal but I HAVE REFUSED YOUR REFUSAL TO MY REFUSAL!

Wifey Collector: I-it can't be?!


The Fool: That was fun.

Wifey Collector: I agree~

Wifey Collector: Anyway, you dodged the question.

The Fool: ...Since when did you gain the capacity to notice such things?

Wifey Collector: Ufufufu~ I may be a proud wifey collector but I am also really smart!

The Fool: Smart people don't have to call themselves smart therefore you aren't smart.

Wifey Collector: No more diverting!

The Fool: ...Fine.

The Fool: Long story short, two rival gangs were being influenced by a magical cave which was probably made magical or sabotaged by Izaya whom was then sabotaged as well by an unknown person called "Conversation".

The Fool: So in other words, I blame the mysterious Conversation.

Wifey Collector: I see, I see. If I find this Conversation then I'll beat her up~

The Fool: What if she's a wifey?

Wifey Collector: I'll discipline her to be a respectable wifey!

The Fool: Eh, she should suffer a bit though, for her transgressions against the people though.

Wifey Collector: I'll handle it when the time arrives~

The Fool: When? Not if?

Wifey Collector: I know what I said.

The Fool: First, it's typed. Second, don't do anything stupid.

Wifey Collector: It'll be fine~

The Fool: I'm serious, don't do anything stupid.

Wifey Collector: Okay~

The Fool: Other than that, is there anything you want to ask? I'm gonna let other people know that I'm back.

Wifey Collector: How long are you gonna stay in Planeptune?

The Fool: Around a week.

Wifey Collector: Cool, ima hang out with you later.

The Fool: You don't even know which  city I'm in.

Wifey Collector: Bye, bye~

Wifey Collector has left the chat.


"That was... foretelling." Sean tried to depict how he felt, but couldn't properly convey his feelings currently as he was physically tired and thought that it was gonna be a pain. "So, who's left?" He muttered.

He scrolled next to the twin's chatroom.


[ ]A (6 days ago): Call us when your free!

[ ]O (6 days ago): I'm bored.


[ ]A (3 days ago): You doing okay?


[ ]O (1 day ago): Your not dead are you?

[ ]A (1 day ago): Oi, don't post such morbid things!


The Fool: Yo.

[ ]A: Oh, your back!

The Fool: Yeah, I'm stuck in Planeptune till my body recovers.

[ ]A: What happened?

The Fool: Two rival gangs were being played by an info broker who was being played by an unknown person.

[ ]A: Shouldn't this be classified?

The Fool: Not really, people already know about it.

[ ]A: Eh, I guess it's okay.

The Fool: Where's your sister?

[ ]A: Oh, she's in an intense match of chess with our daily rival.

The Fool: You have a rival?

[ ]A: Yeah, her user name is |Green Heart|, she's probably a fan of the Continent Patron Unit.

The Fool: I swear it's Console Patron Unit?

[ ]A: It is, but this just makes more sense.

The Fool: Eh, true. Anyway, let your sister know I said hello; I'm just getting up to date with anyone I didn't contact due to my short coma.

[ ]A: K, cya~

The Fool: See ya.


"He was surprisingly not invasive about it..." Sean muttered "But then again, I probably gave sufficient information."

He shook his head.

"Who's next?"


"Hmm?" Sean hummed in surprise "It's Alice."


ProudNEETDetective: It has come to my attention that you have awoken from your week-long slumber and as such I would like to informally congratulate you and wish you well, Supporting Adventurer.

The Fool: That's as informal as a drunk guy in a PJ attending a funeral or wedding.

The Fool: Notice the sarcasm.

The Fool: Also, thanks for your concern.

ProudNEETDetective: It would seem as if my pleasantries were unneeded, and as such I shall continue forward to ask you a question.

The Fool: The question being?

ProudNEETDetective: I would like to inquire as to how long your excursion in Planeptune shall last.

The Fool: I'll be here for a week, although you probably already knew that from seeing my message history.

ProudNEETDetective: Although, I have peered into your message history I have decided to inform you of this earlier on than let you find out later to build good faith between us.

ProudNEETDetective: I hope you understand.

The Fool: Eh, I'll accept your apology. Although, I don't appreciate you looking into my chat logs; some things are very explicit.

ProudNEETDetective: I shall proceed with caution in the future.

The Fool: So your still going to search through my search logs, huh?

ProudNEETDetective: No comment.

The Fool: Anyway, is there anything else you would like to add?

ProudNEETDetective: Since I assume you have already assumed I have, I shall proceed so.

ProudNEETDetective: I hereby request that during your tenure in Planeptune that you make occasional visits to my place of residence for cleansing.

The Fool: Okay, I accept.

ProudNEETDetective: ...So easily?

The Fool: Yeah, why?

ProudNEETDetective: It is foolish to accept without considering the terms and conditions.

The Fool: I considered it and accept though.

ProudNEETDetective: ...

ProudNEETDetective: If you say so then I will relinquish my most recent inquiry.

The Fool: K, bye.

ProudNEETDetective: I bid you my farewells.


'She sounds so formal when she tries to be formal...' Sean muttered as he then shrugged 'Oh well, each to his or her own.'

"So how long do you plan on staying in Planeptune?" IF asked as she exited the bathroom; her attire consisted of her black corset, black shorts and black socks which were below the knees, her brunette hair was noticeably wet with driplets falling every now and then as it slid down her neck curving around her body.

'MWEHEHEHEHE~!' Succubus giggled ominously.

'Fufufu~' And so did Lilith.

'Fuck.' All his male personas collectively muttered.

'Hold them down!' Sean commanded the spirits which resided in his personality.

'We're trying!' Arsène complained.

'They're... They're too strong!' Messiah Picaro wouldn't give up though. 'Insta-Heal!'

The pervert personas finally calmed down.

'Why is it called "heal" when your getting rid of an ailment?' Succubus questioned with hidden annoyance.

Lilith seemed pretty chill about it.

'But the babies...' Never mind, she's still looking to create more demons for the 72 pillars.

'Phew...' Everyone else sighed in relief.

"I plan to stay for about a week." Sean pushed up his glasses during the entire internal fiasco with an active poker face.

"So that means you'll be staying for a while?" She plopped herself on the couch and laid down.

"Yeah." He went to the bed and took Sung-Jin-Woo's Diary from his Inventory.

"Kay, then hang out with me while you here." She didn't say anymore as she began to doze off.

Sean shrugged as he began to read the diary. Seems like his Understanding is long overdue for an increase.