Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Morning/32 Days Until Festival/5 Days Until Departure
Sean gathered his thoughts as he sipped on his coffee. The coffee was essentially made from Guatemalan SHB which produced a citrus-like acidity with a nice fruity, chocolate flavour, it went well with a certain rectangular biscuit.
"What was up with yesterday?" IF asked as she sat opposite him on the other couch – briefly analysing him for any injuries – whilst sipping on her own coffee which Sean made for her.
"Just a misunderstanding." Sean gave the briefest replies possible which elicited a frown on the emerald-eyed woman.
"Yeah, a misunderstanding involving you nearly being skewered alive by a blue-hedgehog wannabe." She snarked back with a frown, worry evident from the tone of her voice.
"We resolved the misunderstanding later in the day." He clarified to get her off his metaphorical back.
She didn't look satisfied with the young thief's reply but eventually she relented "Fine..."
There was an awkward moment of silence which was then suddenly forced to disappear as IF decided to chug down her coffee as if it was a beer.
"Oi." Sean gathered her attention "Drink it slowly so you can savour the flavour." He berated her as Sean genuinely felt annoyed at the disrespect to the coffee. Why bother making good coffee if you aren't going to savour it?
"So, what are your plans for today?" IF asked as she proceeded to slow down and actually enjoy the taste of the coffee after feeling like her life may come to an end if she didn't slow down.
"I've got plans for the morning which I don't know how long is gonna take, and after that I'll go to the bookstore to get something to read." He shifted up his glasses as they glinted ominously. 'I need to increase my Kindness.'
"Good to see that you've planned out your entire day. Make room for me sometime, will you?" She requested. He had no reason to refuse.
Agent2: Please come to the plaza of the Western District, where we first met.
The Fool: ...Nonaka?
Agent2: Yes, that's me.
The Fool: ...How do you have my phone number?
Agent2: Thank you for complying.
The Fool: Are you ignoring me?
Agent2: I'm standing near a fountain.
The Fool: I guess you are.
The Fool: I'm coming.
Agent2: Okay.
The Fool: Now you listen to me.
"Well, I've got places to be." Sean slipped on his brown shoes and headed towards the door "See you later."
"Bye." She murmured back as she continued to drink her coffee.
Planeptune/Eresthian City/Western (Foodie) District/Morning/32 Days Until Festival/5 Days Until Departure
Sean wandered the Plaza of the Western District. A small glance around revealed clean white buildings – that seemed unsurprisingly futuristic – and stalls laid out selling to-go food as if it was a festival. The smell of juicy meats, vibrant vegetables and – oddly enough – lemons plagued Sean's senses along with bustling noises of businesses like maid cafés, hostess clubs and even various drinking contests. Yep, the standard Planeptunian atmosphere. The residents are always obnoxiously jolly.
Sean shook his head 'No time for morbid thoughts right now.'
He peered the surroundings through the use of his passive Third Eye – not his actual Third Eye; didn't want to reveal that – and found a certain bluenette sitting on the edge of a fountain in her standard 'knightly' outfit.
Sean sighed as he approached her.
'Remember Trickster; forgiveness.' Messiah Picaro spoke up about shit like this – as usual – whilst Arsène also spoke up.
'Remember: it's likely she was manipulated too.' Arsène reminded the young thief.
Sean sighed again.
'I know, but there's this part of me that just does NOT want to forgive. It's inexplicably annoying because it feels like I was betrayed by someone close, but that's probably not the case as I earned her Confidant just yesterday; we're not that close.' He tucked his hands in his pockets and lightly pinched his knee to erase all negative thoughts.
He knew he was being immature, but oddly enough he was being stubborn about this. And he thought he already forgave her yesterday.
"Morning." Sean languidly greeted as she sternly nodded back.
"Greetings, Sean." Her golden eyes seemed to identify every part of his figure which was... unnerving to say the least.
There was a blank silence.
"So... how's this gonna go down?" Sean interrupted the silence which forced her to speak.
"My Mistress is currently awaiting your presence in a nearby establishment; I'm tasked with leading you to her." She informed as she turned around and started walking.
'Guess I'll just follow.' He briskly followed behind her as he reduced his presence around himself significantly. They were being followed; Sean is absolutely sure that they're not friendly however if all goes well he can earn a favour from the Takagi Heiress for saving her life.
Sean inwardly sighed. He really hates it when he gets manipulative like this. Putting himself in danger is annoying and fun, but putting someone else in danger is an absolute 'no' – in his book – because it's distasteful, although the whole unknown nature of what's happening concerning himself and the Takagi which is probably a big sign of danger to him is also really fucking irritating and frightening which makes trusting them even harder although it's... admittedly... really fun...
At least to him.
Their goals are unknown. Their motivations are unknown. Their company is blatantly shady. So forgive him if he can't exactly trust Nonaka or the Takagi Heiress, or feel relaxed in a situation involving them. Though, masochistically he seems to be enjoying this.
'Shit.' He wasn't this judgemental of both others and himself normally, but being reminded of the events of yesterday – by looking at Nonaka – really messed his head up. 'I swear, I'll find the person who started this streak of paranoia...'
He sighed as he realised his thoughts were getting hectic.
Sean pushed up his glasses as he was standing outside a restaurant. It was the one from a few days ago with IF. Medicinal Wonders.
'Now that I realise it, that name would really suit a hospital or clinic.' Arsène perked up in his head morbidly trying to divert Sean's stress.
He mentally readied himself as he entered. 'Thanks.' He couldn't help but thank his persona as he sighed.
'I've been sighing a lot lately.' He absentmindedly noted as Nonaka led him to a private room with a cloth covering the entrance.
Sean entered and paused momentarily as he came face to face with a vaguely familiar face.
"Well? Sit down, we don't have all day." The twin-tailed pinkette with golden eyes instructed.
The arrogant behaviour is also very familiar.
'Then again, I have met a lot of arrogant people throughout my time.' He pushed up his glasses and took a seat on the side of the table which she wasn't inhabiting.
Sean took a moment to scrutinize every aspect of her. All her clothes were frilly: frilly white shirt, frilly black long skirt and even somewhat frilly boots. She had pink twin-tailed hair and golden eyes along with glasses which had the lower frame take on the colour of red as well as the bridge being red.
"So..." Sean spoke up "What'd you call me here for?"
She scoffed.
"About time you grew the balls to ask." She huffed and spoke again "I've been notified that I'm being targeted and my papa and mama suggested your help."
"Why me in particular?" Sean couldn't help but ask. He didn't know her parents, did he?
"Through extensive research and reviews on your supporting abilities my parents determined that you're suitable to assist me." She replied, although Sean noticed that there was a lie or multiple lies within that statement.
"Don't you already have a bodyguard?" He glanced over to Nonaka temporarily. She was capable, that's for sure.
"I said "assist" not "guard" – you fool – I meant your supposed to increase my chance of remaining alive by supporting both me and her." She clarified.
"Who's going after you?" He asked. Must be a troublesome group if she's asking for his help and not one of her company's employees.
"Orpheus." She responded as if Sean should've known that name.
"Context, I need context." He replied as she sighed in exasperation.
'I'm getting real tired of this 10 year old bullshit.' Arsène spoke his true feelings for a moment.
'Calm yourselves.' Messiah Picaro let us regain our nerves.
"Orpheus is a company based on technology but focuses more on robotics and automachines, it's a supposed 'dark horse' that came into the light a few months ago." She briefly informed.
"And why are they after you in particular?" He asked.
"My papa and mama refused to tell me but my genius tells me that they're trying to take out a competitor as they've announced the release of weapons recently." She hypothesized.
"And lastly, what's in it for me." Sean asked, he may be somewhat of a philanthropist but he's not entirely suicidal. He needs a motive.
"Hmph, we already expected this." She huffed and slammed a suitcase on the table filled with... a lot of money.
On one hand he could accept for the money or on the other hand...
'The orphanages.' Messiah Picaro spoke up.
That's right, Messiah Picaro had the correct assumption as Sean. Donating to the orphanages; it's the least he could do for not visiting them in a while.
"I accept under a few conditions." He decided as he wrote down a list of orphanages and their addresses that he donates to on a piece of paper using a pen from his pocket.
"And they are?" She raised an eyebrow.
"My first condition is for my involvement to be hidden, as much as you can." He didn't need a bigger target on his back, Conversation has been annoying him for a while.
"Can do." She nodded.
"My second condition is that you give me 1/10 of the money and donate the rest to these orphanages." Sean decided as he slides over a slip of paper from his black blazer and across the table.
"Agreeable." She confirmed as she inspected the slip of paper.
"My third condition is you hold a gun for yourself. We can't defend you every moment of the second so you need to be able to hold your own, even for just a moment." He conditioned.
"That sounds just agreeable, don't you think so too, Yuki?" The Takagi Heiress looked at her bodyguard who sighed and threw a pistol of unknown make.
'So she kept her from having a weapon?' Sean noticed 'Why?'
'I can feel extreme care radiating off of her," Messiah Picaro intervened 'Its likely she doesn't want her 'mistress' to dirty her hands.'
'I see.' Sean internally nodded. 'Makes sense.'
Sean sighed.
"Now that I'm hired, why don't we take care of the people holding the restaurant hostage?" He rhetorically asked as he walked out the room
"Stay here for now." He aimed at them.
His footsteps ceased to exist as he walked in strides. From what his passive Third Eye informed him of, there were 15 people holding the Medicinal Wonders staff hostage. 5 were in the kitchen, 5 were holding everyone else whom was tied up in the dining room, 4 were patrolling the restaurant and the last...
"Guh!" Is now unconscious as he decided to take a long nap after inspecting the private rooms for any customers. Now he's tied up, gagged and in a random private room.
'He most definitely didn't meet an obsidian-haired thief whom decided to knock him out with a plate he stole from the Takagi table.' Sean sarcastically muttered in his head.
'Who are you trying to confirm this with?' Succubus couldn't help but ask.
'Shh~ Its his way to relieve stress.' Lilith reprimanded.
'Oh... Sorry.' Succubus surprisingly apologised 'Mother.' Now that makes sense.
'Say your apologies to the Trickster, darling.' Lilith responded with a smile.
They seem well after that moment of kinship earlier with IF.
'Bloody perverts.' Sean mumbled as he hid around the dining room chairs and tables so he could gain cover to steadily manoeuvre himself to the kitchen.
"Focus..." He mumbled inaudibly as his eyes flashed red for a moment. There were no cameras around him nor any enemies so this should be safe.
'They're bringing the hostages two at a time to the dining room.' He noticed as that left two more in the kitchen.
'Lets do this assassin creed style.' He decided as Arsène looked a little annoyed by that.
'Remember no killing.' He reminded his Trickster.
'I know, I have a "no killing rule", you of all people should know that.' Sean replied as Arsène nodded in affirmation.
Sean snuck his way into the kitchen and found that the hostages were gagged.
'Perfect.' Call him mean, but he doesn't need them making unnecessary noise.
He grabbed both assailants in a choke hold as he smashed their heads together and hit a pressure point in the back of their neck to knock them out.
The people who were gagged looked at him in happiness whilst Sean put a one finger in front of his lips to signal them to shut up. They nodded and Sean undid their gags and undid their ropes.
"You guys okay?" Sean whispered as they both nodded.
"Y-yeah, but they took our head chef somewhere." A nervous employee replied.
"Where?" Sean asked as he remembered the girl which he gave his mediocre review to.
"T-they took her to the safe, in the basement." He responded as Sean nodded.
'What's your input?' Sean asked his personas.
'Its probably to mask this as a robbery,' Arsène responded 'And the Takagi Heiress will probably just be an "unfortunate" casualty or a "mistake".' Arsène theorised.
'Makes sense.' Sean agreed as he pushed up his glasses. 'Anyone else?'
'There's a possibility she's also a target.' Messiah Picaro suggested and Sean didn't refute as it was a possibility.
'I doubt they are gonna group her together with the rest.' Lilith muttered.
'Or they may put her with the rest, she's not really their target.' Succubus spoke up.
'Though we don't know that.' Sean replied as he decided his next course of action.
"I'll find her and keep her safe." He responded as they thanked him.
"Or someone could do that for me..." He wondered.
Agent2: What's the situation
The Fool: There's a hostage situation, they took the owner Hisako-something to the basement.
The Fool: Think you can do anything about it?
Agent2: ...
Agent2: My duty is my Mistress' safety.
Agent2: Anything else is just an additional reaction.
The Fool: So was that a yes or a no?
The Fool: Hello? I don't have all day. They're gathering people in the dining room and I'm pretty sure another group of people are gonna arrive soon.
Agent2: Apologies, I relayed the information to my Mistress and after much needed consideration we have decided to cooperate with your endeavours but as a consequence of playing along with your whims your monetary reward will be reduced.
The Fool: Okay? Lives are more important than money anyway.
Agent2: Debateable.
Agent2: We will now proceed to rescue Hisako-something.
Agent2: Contact me when needed.
The Fool: Got that.
"Well, looks like all that's left is take care of the others." Three targets out of 15 were taken down, and two were currently approaching.
"You two, hide in the cabinets for duration of this hostage situation. And if you can call the Guild for assistance." Sean commanded them as he opened a cabinet near the end of the kitchen which they began to enter.
"Can I ask a question?" One of the freed hostages – the female one – asked as her frightened co-worker hid into the cabinet like a fish to water.
"Do it quickly." He informed her "They're almost here."
"Why didn't you call the Guild?" She couldn't help but ask as she also hid in the cabinet.
"Good question." Sean nodded as he unsheathed his bladed-cane out of their sight.
"I don't know, I guess I forgot in the heat of the moment." He replied honestly as he made two breathing holes for the both of them and hid his cane. She closed the door, but not before giving him a smile.
"Well then..." He muttered as he also hid in a cabinet "Its Show Time."
"Huh?" A confused voice resonated as a masked and hooded person mumbled "They're gone."
"Fuck." His compatriot muttered.
"We're so-" His ally didn't finish that sentence as straight after—
--- A man whom wore a white hoodie under a black blazer appeared as the remarkably unremarkable – easily forgettable – civilian jumped on top of the desk, ran on the wall and landed behind them in their confusion.
"Shit!" He couldn't help but exclaim.
Everything went dark after that.
"Phew." Sean sighed as he saw the unconscious bodies. 'Now what do I do with them?'
'Tie them up and throw them in a random cabinet after gagging them. Make sure the ropes and gagging will not get lose.' Arsène advised and Sean nodded and after a few minutes the enemies were no where in sight. All of them.
'Now I need to figure out how to save the rest. Five are out, one is presumably with the head chef and the remaining nine are in the dining room. Seems like they're done patrolling.' Sean identified 'What a bunch of novices...'
'Or they're just that confident in the person with the head chef.' Succubus spoke up and he couldn't help but agree. 'I wouldn't be surprised if they also identified all whom were supposed to be here through booking and knew the staff identities.'
'I'll have to lure them one by one...' Sean decided as held a different phone in his hand. It was one of the assailants phone.
Fox: Hey uhh dude when we gonna start Im getting real nervous
Tiger: Now.
Tiger: Everything's in place.
Fox: K boss man
Fox: Hey uhh boss man can you send some people over the remaining peeps are heavy
Tiger: You can't carry them?
Fox: Yeah my part got a panic attack and is sleeping
Tiger: Then why don't you threaten them?
Fox: Uhh thas thing they're sleepin too I think they also had a panic attack
Tiger: Hmm, I'll send some people over.
'Hmm...' Sean murmured 'He's definitely suspicious of me.'
Sean then jumped onto a counter and hid himself in a cupboard.
"I can see it..." He muttered as his eyes glinted red in the dark. There were a group of 4 approaching. 'I can do this loud with flashbangs or I can do this quiet with sleeping darts... Wait, I don't have any sleeping darts. Damn it, need some in the future.'
The 4 approached and saw no one.
"What the hell? There's no one here." Someone said aloud.
"Yeah, I can fucking see." Another said.
"Jackass." He responded back.
"So--" That person didn't finish their sentence as right after Sean burst out and threw Flashbangs which instantly disoriented them. They all exclaimed but Sean didn't care as he hit all their pressure points and then proceeded to tie them up and throw them in random cabinets.
"That surely got the rest of their attention." Sean muttered as he could hear footsteps all of the rest. 5 remaining.
Agent2: I have freed the hostage.
Agent2: She is currently frolicking with my Mistress.
The Fool: Cool, I've been sneak attacking them and now I'm gonna have to unfortunately confront them.
The Fool: Can you lend some help?
The Fool: The people in the dining room should be unoccupied, tell your Mistress and Hisako to untie them whilst you help me.
The Fool: Hello.
Agent2: Confirmed.
Agent2: I'm on the way.
"Well, looks like I need to hold on till help arrives." Sean muttered as he slipped his phone in a pocket and brought out a pistol as a bunch of masked and hooded people arrived.
"Where are the others?" The leader of the bunch threatened with a sword pointed in his direction.
"Hey you know something really funny? I'm wearing white and you're wearing black, it's like light versus dark." Sean spoke up.
A bullet from the leader approached his forehead but Sean shifted his head to the side. Seems like he has a gun too.
"Woah! That could've hurt someone you know." Sean clicked his tongue and shook his head "Such bad manners. Did your parents teach you nothing?"
They responded to him with silence and bullets.
"Wow. Tough crowd." Sean muttered as no bullets hit him which prompted them to all surround him.
"I will ask again: where are they?" The leader had a white mask with a blue stripe on it.
"You gotta be more precise kid. The hostages? The assailants? Both? None?" Sean merely smirked to drive them even further up into annoyance. 'Although, I am channelling my Joker-persona more than I'd like.'
"Both." He responded as he done into Sean's flank to try to stab him.
"Hmm..." Sean audibly murmured as he cartwheeled backwards out of its range "That doesn't sound like a fair trade."
"Why don't you tell me something and I'll tell you?" Sean offered as his passive Third Eye detected Nonaka dashing over to here.
"Fine then, I'll just have to beat you black and blue till you comply." His hench men dove towards him with two firing guns two wielding spears and the leader shot a bullet towards Sean's feet.
"Well, looks like negotiations broke down." Sean shrugged as he pulled out his own pistol and intercepted every bullet with his own and for the spear wielders he ducked as the little space gave them only one valid move to use which obviously to pierce.
"Don't mind if I do." Sean grabbed the shaft of the spears and yanked them out of their grasps and threw them backwards.
"Damn it!" One of the spear wielders exclaimed as he instead tried to punch Sean in frustration.
Sean inwardly smirked 'Hmm, this could be useful. Afterall, this would show my lack of humanoid combat to anyone who says otherwise.'
'Won't they wonder why you didn't heal your self?' Succubus asked a valid question.
'I can play it off as forgetting in the moment.' Sean responded as he dove his face to that punch and took it head on. He grunted audibly, that'll surely leave a bruise.
'Well then, Show's Over.' He couldn't help but mutter inwardly as he smirked.
Nonaka arrived in all her knightly glory. She took one glance at the group that were attacking Sean and glared – casually ignoring the hole in the wall she made – and murmured one word.
"Wind Blade." Her silver katana glowed a bright green and moments later all the assailants were down on the ground.
'Yep, she definitely held back when she was attacking me.' Sean realised as it was blatantly obvious.
'Yep, we would be totally screwed if she attacked us head on.' Arsène also agreed.
'O_O' Meanwhile every other persona merely projected an emoji in Sean's head. He didn't even know that was possible.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Her golden eyes locked onto Sean.
"Yes Ma'am! No Ma'am!" He saluted 'Oh my shiny jewel, she's scary.'
'Shiny jewel?' Succubus couldn't help but intervene.
'Let the guy addicted to stealing have his own phrases.' Arsène admonished the Succubus.
'Okay, but still: "Shiny Jewel"? Is he unintentionally making a di—' She was interrupted by Messiah Picaro.
'And that's enough out of you young lady.' Messiah Picaro shook his head.
'Alright fine~' She shrugged 'Twat.'
'...What was that? You wanna take this outside?' The literal Messiah didn't look so Messianic anymore.
'No Sir! It was nothing Sir!' Succubus saluted.
Just as Sean's head was stuck in fright loud sirens resonated outside the restaurant. Sean sighed as the people in the cabinets came out. Well, at least something good happened today.
Nonaka briefly glanced at Sean's bruise on his head but eventually decided to relent and they both returned to the dining room and let the Guild Agents inside.
"Freeze!" A familiar voice called out "Oh, false alarm." It was IF.
"Everyone's been accounted for." Someone called over to IF as she looked at everyone and stated aloud "We ask for you all to come to the Guild so we can acquire a couple of statements."
Planeptune/Eresthian City/Guild/Evening/32 Days Until Festival/5 Days Until Departure
After being brought in to the Guild, more specifically a subsection based on filing paperwork, Sean and his employer were sitting on a chair waiting for IF.
"You know, I forgot to ask but how long is this going to last?" Sean asked as IF exited a door and sat right near him drinking a coffee.
"The contract is supposed to last until Papa or Mama contacts me that it's safe to come back." She responded.
"Papa, mama? Hmm..." IF muttered with a raised eyebrow as she offered a handshake "Names IF, the Wind Walker of Gamindustri."
"Wind Walker, Hmm?" The pinkette shook her had "I've heard much about you, my name is Saya Takagi the Heiress to the Takagi Arms Company."
'So IF really is famous as the Wind Walker?' Sean hadn't noticed that at all 'Maybe she got some fame after she introduced herself to me.'
"Huh? Takagi?" IF's palm stiffened and Sean raised an eyebrow.
"What's the matter with you?" Saya asked IF but she remained quiet for a moment.
"I don't know how to break this to you but... your parents are dead."
And like that time stopped.
"W-what?" Saya seemed to not understand whilst Sean merely pushed up his glasses, his expression unknown.
Suddenly, lots of firefighters barged in the midst of them all.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" IF complained.
"Sorry, but there's been an arson at the Takagi Estate and it's gotten out of control! People from division 1 to 3 are being tasked to handle it!" The firefighters wore black clothing with blue stripes.
There was a deafening silence as everyone basked in the storm of emotions radiating off the pinkette.
"N-No... It can't be..." She stormed outside and everyone followed after her as she snuck herself in a fire truck which left immediately and thus left them all behind.
"Damn..." IF muttered as she couldn't catch up to her. Suddenly a green motorcycle appeared in front of them as she jumped on and then she glared at them "My bike can only hold one more! Get on!"
Sean turned to Nonaka "You get on, I'll find a different way." She nodded and they both drove off.
Sean sighed. 'What a mess; what's your thoughts on this?'
'Its an assassination.' Arsène stated without any remorse nor hesitation.
'Thought so.' He replied as he shot his grappling-hook and hooked onto a tall building and propelled himself onto it.
"I'll follow the trails..." Sean muttered audibly, this is way too stressful for him to speak in his head clearly. He hooked onto any building he could find and followed the loud sirens. Jumping, propelling, climbing, his skills as a thief were apparent as he did everything with a flawless and masterful fluidity.
Eventually he could see it and from afar. A large mansion ablaze and the Takagi Heiress – no, the Takagi – rushed inside to find anyone alive leaving everyone around her stunned, IF and Nonaka just arrived at the scene.
Sean flipped his phone and messaged Nonaka.
The Fool: She rushed inside.
Agent2: Thanks.
Sean saw her open her phone and immediately dashed inside looking for the Takagi. Sean sighed as he parkoured down the buildings and eventually landed on a pavement safely and approached IF.
"I saw her rush inside." Sean stated and IF nodded as they both ignored the warnings of the firefighters and soon they came upon a scene.
Takagi was crying atop a man – whom seemed like a butler – whom had his legs burnt off and a pipe impaled through his chest. Sean was already recovering from SP overuse.
'What about an item?' Sean wondered.
'Won't work. There are limitations to revival items, you would just revive him only to have his blood be spilt out again. It won't recover his already lost limbs since he wouldn't be able to digest the revival pill.' Messiah Picaro sounded solemn.
"M-Mistress?" The wrinkled old man coughed out blood on his moustache "No, it's the Young Lady..."
"O-old man, Tanaka!" She sobbed on his soon growing corpse.
'What about you? Can you heal him?' Sean asked.
'Do you think you have the capacity to allow me?' Messiah Picaro inquired back.
'That wasn't my question.' Sean debated.
'... I do.' Messiah Picaro replied.
'Then let's do it.' Sean decided.
'Sorry, I refuse.' Messiah Picaro replied which stunned Sean 'In doing so you will absolutely die.'
'So what? If I don't die then my ideals die, but if I die then my ideals won't die.' Sean replied 'Abandoning my ideals is worse than death.'
They were at a standoff.
"M-My Lady... Run far away... Go to Lastation... Go to the... the... the Basilicom and ask for someone called Kei Jinguji... Tell her... that it's time..." He murmured audibly.
'Damn it! Let me already!' Sean snapped.
'Sorry, but I'm in agreement with him.' Arsène spoke up but his tone was clearly aggravated and sad.
"N-No! Old Man! Don't go!" Tears streaked down her face, the butler's blood splattered onto her frilly clothes.
'What about you guys?' Sean asked the rest.
'I'm in agreement.' All his other personas agreed with the exception of Succubus who remained silent though it was clear she didn't want to decide.
'Fine.' Sean inwardly sighed, it wouldn't do him any good to piss them off.
"My L-lady... it was nice... seeing you grow... into..." His voice became faint "Such a lovely young... lady."
He was dead.
Later that day, there were other confirmed arsons. 'Coincidentally' they all happened to be board directors of the Takagi Arms Company.