Chapter 16

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Morning/30 Days Until Festival/3 Days Until Departure

"Huh..." Sean muttered "What should I do today?"

'Might as well finish off those books.' Sean decided.

'I hate nice girls.

Just exchanging greetings with them will get them on your mind.

Start texting each other, and your heart will be set a flutter.

If they call you, you're done for.

Enjoy staring at your logs and grinning like a fool.

However, I won't get fooled again. That's what your kind calls kindness.

If you're nice to me, you're nice to others.

I always end up nearly forgetting that. Reality is cruel,

So I'm sure lies are a form of kindness.

Thus, I say kindness itself is also a lie.

I always ended up with these expectations.

And I always ended up with these misunderstandings.

And before I knew it, I stopped hoping.

A highly trained loner is once bitten, twice shy.

As a veteran on this battlefield of life, I've gotten used to losing.

That's why I always hate nice girls. — Hachiman Hikigaya' What an interesting start... 'You've got mail! This is how it'll go down. At 2 am, I'll reply with "Sorry, battery was out!" or "Sorry, looks like I was in a dead zone!" You'll have them cornered every time with those lines. [Source: Me]. When I was in middle school, I gathered up my courage and texted some girls, and 40% came back with these replies. Another 30% never replied, and for the remaining 30%, I received a message from a foreigner named Mailer Daemon.' Oh damn... these are prime examples of what not to do.... 'I see. This girl's already given up. They say the world changes when you change, but that's not true. People judge others based on stereotypes and impressions. Loners will be judged as loners forever. If you try to do something and stand out, they'll just use it to bring you down. It's an iron rule of the rotten society of children. Problem: The world will never change. You can change yourself. How will you change? Answer: Become the god of a new world. […] Only the strong think they can't run away. It's not always your own fault. Humanity, society, the world around you… Someone else is wrong in plenty of cases. "I can change," means adjusting to that shitty, cold-hearted and cruel world. It means admitting defeat and subordination. It's a euphemism you use to deceive even yourself.'

"Well... He's not wrong but he's not correct either. Struggling to make change would at least make the world a better place, even if it's only marginally, a difference is still a difference." Sean agreed and disagreed somewhat with this Hikigaya Hachiman.

He then went to momentarily drink a glass of water as he continued reading.

'I love myself. I have never once hated myself. My high base specs, my kind of good looks, my pessimistic, but realistic perspective - I can't say I hate them whatsoever. But right now, I'm on the verge of hating myself. The Her that I've known, always beautiful, unable to lie, honest, always standing on her own two feet, without anyone or anything to support her. I'm sure that I held Her in admiration. I chose to expect things out of her. I chose to force my ideals on her. I chose to feel like I understood her. And so I chose to be disappointed. As much as I've told myself not to, I still do it. Even Her lies. I can't accept this basic fact. And so, I hate myself.' He continued to flip past it's pages 'Okay, cool. We're totally reset. By resetting our relationship, I've regained my peace of mind, and She has been freed from the chains of guilt and can now return to her original fulfilling life. I didn't make the wrong decision. My decision was as right as they come. And so, that's the end of that. We reset, and return to our separate lives. You can't reset your life, but you can reset your relationships. [Source: Me]. Like how I haven't talked to anyone from middle school- That wasn't a reset, that was a delete. [Tehee]' Wow gross, no offense 'Animals naturally form packs. Carnivores form social hierarchies within their packs. Those that fail to become alphas harbor the burden of failure until they die. I'm sure the herbivores feel guilt as they sacrifice their comrades to evade their predators and live on. In this world, forming packs yields no benefit for the individual. Thus, I choose the way of the solitary bear, which does not form packs. The bear finds no anxiety in living alone. He is proud. He is a lone wolf. Furthermore, they hibernate in the winter. How wonderful that must be. There is no doubt in my mind. In my next life, I want to be a bear.'

"Phew... That's the end. This guy could be a really good philosopher or a really depressed and let down individual. Although I could feel my Understanding and Kindness increase by a wide margin. There are some things I can and cannot do, huh." Sean concluded. "But I'm still confused... how does this relate to the psychological processes of nice girls? Isn't this just his psychological process?"

Sean looked at the blurb.

'They say the world changes when you change, but that's not true. You simply give in to the lies they force on you and compromise. Let me show you how to really change the world.'

"Wow, conceited much." Sean muttered "Anyway, this was a good read. I guess."

"Guess I should work on not neglecting the people I want to form connections with."

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Evening/30 Days Until Festival/3 Days Until Departure

"So... Guess I'll read the next book." Sean brought a different book Maria's Guide To Making Friends ♡ - Maria Naruse.

He flipped through the book 'Isn't this just porn?' He continued flipping through 'Huh, so there's different ways to be gentle and do it?' He continued flipping 'Oh, it does show normal relationship matters... Hmm, so there are different ways to project kindness? Physical intimacy, reminding them you care, interacting with them...' He continued flipping 'And the rest is just porn.' He soon finished flipping.

"Well." He didn't know what to say about this "At least, some advice could be useful in a social interaction."

"I can feel my Charm and Kindness significantly increase."

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Morning/29 Days Until Festival/2 Days Until Departure

"So I have two days left and four things left to do in total before I leave and go back to Lastation." Sean whispered.



ProudNEETDetective: I would like to incur in your services.

The Fool: You want me to come over to clean your room? Sure.

ProudNEETDetective: Must you be so crude?

The Fool: I'd just consider myself somewhat free but sure.

ProudNEETDetective: Hmph, if you believe so.

The Fool: Yeah, I do.


"Off we go."

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Alice's Apartment/Morning/29 Days Until Festival/2 Days Until Departure

Seeing the usual Alice who was apathetically pressing a bunch of buttons on a computer Sean just shrugged and decided to start cleaning the room.

"And done." He clapped his hands together.

"Good, good..." She apathetically muttered as she spoke up "Bring me some Doc P from the fridge."

Seeing that he had nothing better to do Sean complied and opened the fridge. He placed his palm on some Doc Ps and found that some were lukewarm.

"Do you want a cold one?" He asked the girl who hummed in reply.

He shrugged and brought one from the back and threw it on her bed near her feet.

"Wha-Hey! Be more careful!" She berated.

"Eh, I knew from this distance nothing too bad would happen especially considering the quality of the can as well as the pace in which I threw the can which won't let it fizz unnecessarily." Sean replied as she opened the can only to see it was true.

"Hmm... It's true..." She hummed as she glanced at him curiously for a moment.

"I guess you could say my Proficiency is Masterful." He smiled slightly as if he made a joke only he knew.

"Don't grow arrogant." She responded as she pouted for a moment.

There was silence.

"So... what are you doing?" Sean tried to start up conversation.


"What are you researching?"


"What's your hobbies?"


"Do you have anything you enjoy?"


'I really wanna talk to her...' Sean muttered 'I need to break the passive tension.'

'How do you think your future plans are looking from now?' Messiah Picaro.

'Do you wanna dance?' Arsène muttered which raised a lot of eyebrows.

'What's your three sizes?' Succubus spoke up.

'Anything you wanna talk about?' Lilith inputted.

'I know just what to say...' Sean decided "What's your three sizes?"

"Confi—What! A-are you even aware of your question, right now?!" She stopped momentarily as she blushed.

"'Course I am." Sean nodded seriously.

"Your serious face just makes it harder to take it as a joke..." She retorted "Wait, are you being serious?"

He smirked.

"Who knows~"

She shook her head "Whatever."

There was another bout of silence. As she pressed a button very loudly and her sigh reverberated throughout the room.

"Okay, what do you want?" She stared at him apathetically.

"To talk to you?" He replied.

"Sure, now what do you really want?" She didn't even bat an eye.

"...Your three sizes?" He tilted his head "What do you want me to say? I really do want to talk to you since I find you interesting."

For some reason she blushed heavily.

'O~kay... Then.' He raised an eyebrow.

"Hmph your trickery will not work on me womanizer!" Now that was a rude accusation.

"Oi, don't just label me as a womanizer without proof." He retorted.

"You asked for my three sizes."

Okay now that shut him up. Only one option left.

"I swear to drunk I'm not God." Sean tried to pretend he was drunk.

"I know for a fact you haven't drunk any alcohol." She stared at him.

"Uhh..." Now he was sweating buckets "Womanizer is such a subjective term, I would prefer the term 'honest'." He channelled some of Arsène's charisma.

"You just admitted you wanted my three sizes." She deadpanned.

Shit, it failed him. Welp, time to dip.

"Would you look at the time?" He stared at his imaginary watch "I think it's getting late, well good bye, see you later."

He promptly escaped and ignored the guards doing Jojo poses.




HERMIT 9-IX (Alice) RANK 2

Now there was only a single thought that resonated in his head as he slipped his phone out.

'Is she a masochist?'



[ ]A: Wanna game?

The Fool: Sure, what game though?

[ ]O: Chess.

The Fool: Why not?

The Fool: Where we meeting up?

[ ]A: Where else?

The Fool: Arcade, got it.


Planeptune/Eresthian City/Northern (Electronic) District/Arcade/Evening/29 Days Until Festival/2 Days Until Departure

"Yo." Sean waved and the half-siblings waved back.

They both sat down near a chess machine which held actual animation of proceeding events.

"Shiro found this neat place after exploring the arcade." Sora explained as they were in opposite sides, Sean took the dark chess pieces of course.

"Cool find, Shiro." Sean nodded to the silver-haired girl whom puffed her chest out in pride.

"Well then, do you wanna face Blank or just one of us?" Sora asked giving him a fair chance.

"As much as I wanna face Blank, I think I would do better facing just one of you." Sean replied as he could feel his Guts burn in excitement, though he was pretty sure his Knowledge and Understanding doesn't come even close to Sora. "Guess I'll face you, Sora."

"Sure thing..." Sora shrugged as he sat on the seat and soon the game began.

The game was hard-fought – well, on Sean's side – but alas Blank never loses (according to the twins) and after around an hour or two Sean fully lost.

"Damn... Guess I'll have to do better next time." Sean muttered as he dragged on the game longer than necessary by evading to the point that Sora had to sacrifice some of his minions just to lure him into a trap.

"Huh, you're not bad." Sora looked at him in surprise "Though, from the looks of it you rely too much on your Guts and intuition rather than your Knowledge and Understanding."

'Huh, valid advice.' Sean looked at him impressed "Thanks, I've only played chess a few times in the past so I don't know the best of strategies."

"Yeah, I noticed. It looked like you had one plan and tried to stick to it rather than adapting to the circumstances, of course you probably had a few emergency plans but I'm pretty sure you couldn't use them after the first few turns." Sora explained his flaw.

'The same advice given from Ranma, huh?' Sean noticed.

"Bro, it's late." Shiro pointed out and they gathered attention on her once more.

"Sorry; anyway gotta go, see ya." Sora patted Shiro's silver hair and waved him a good bye.

"See ya." Sean waved them a goodbye and decided to go home. 'I feel like my bond will deepen with them the next time.'

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Morning/28 Days Until Festival/1 Day Until Departure

"What should I do today?" Sean muttered as he laid down on his bed.



AnythingGoes: Hey, wanna go fight? I'll teach ya something new.

The Fool: Sure.


AnythingGoes: Cool, come to the park there should be a lake near the depths.

The Fool: Cool, I'm gonna be there.


"Looks like it's already decided for me." He nodded.

Planeptune/Eresthian City/City Central/Park/Park Depths/Morning/28 Days Until Festival/1 Day Until Departure

Sean arrived at the area and saw Ranma still in the same clothes and same hairdo of the day he first met him.

"So let's get the show started, eh?" Sean rhetorically asked.

"Sure." Ranma darted towards Sean and launched a barrage of attacks which prompted the thief to dodge all of them and swipe the martial artist with his feet and its momentum. Ranma leaped up in the air flipped behind Sean and kicked him from behind. The thief was blown away for a distance before resuming combat once again, and soon he noticed a pattern.

'Ranma, uses multiple fighting styles...' Sean noticed as he seemed to suddenly emphasise strength then suddenly emphasise speed then switches to a balanced style 'But that's not all, he tends to fight by gaining mobility in the air. His 'true' or 'base' fighting style is based on airborne combat.'

After clashing with Ranma for a moment Sean decided to play dirty and threw dirt on his face when his guard was low but surprisingly he reacted faster than one would expect and did a spinning kick to spread distance between them.

'Well, that hurt.' The thief's abdomen burned. 'Though I'm not done yet.'

Sean smirked "Aww, you still haven't taken me out yet? Wow, you must really suck."

"Tch." Ranma clicked his tongue as he audibly muttered "Ya weren't like this a few days ago..."

"I bet you can't catch me!" Sean then turned tail and ran alongside the lake as Ranma darted behind him like a bolt.

As the thief ran alongside the lake in circles – whilst being chased by a black-haired man in a red gi – he collected dirt by flicking them with his shoes and catching them with his palm discretely and proceeded to mould them into a stable cup.

"Damn it, come back 'ere!" Ranma was blatantly annoyed as he began to outpace Sean and arrived just in front of him.

The martial artist delivered a drop kick which prompted Sean to roll away – discretely collecting water in his cup – and he put a lid on it using moulded dirt.

Ranma practically growled in all but sounds as he glared at the thief whilst regaining positioning and focused more on delivering rush attacks. He delivered a flurry of barrages which Sean dodged by a hairsbreadth, but eventually an opening appeared and Ranma took full advantage of it.


The sound of a muted burst resonated as the dirt somehow didn't become mud but rather exploded into parts which let the water blast all over Ranma surprising him as the destroyed cup replaced Sean's position.

"Its Time!" Sean grappled her torso mildly touching something... squishy as he twisted his body back and did a german suplex.

"Kya!" Ranma squealed?

"Kya?" Sean could feel a bunch of taps on his back to signify Ranma's loss as he noticed that much more delicate hands were patting him. Sean let go and went to observe what was going on.

"Who the fuck?" Sean muttered as the mildly blushing red-haired pig-tailed girl with mildly bushy hair.

"I can explain..." The feminine voice confused Sean.

"Okay, go ahead." He let him(?), her(?) proceed with her explanation.

"Long story short: when I was a kid pops threw me in a river and I'm cursed. Hot water turns me into a guy again, cold water makes me a  woman." He just abridged it to maximum lengths.

'Oh well, better not to pry.' Sean shrugged "Huh, are you male or female? What should I refer to you as?"

"Huh that's it? Ya not gonna ask for more info?" Ranma was confused.

"Eh, it may be uncomfortable for you if I did ask plus it isn't the weirdest thing around." Sean explained.

Her(?) eyebrow raised "Well, that's new. Though, I won't say I hate it; it gets repetitive afta' the 90th time."

"So... what do I refer to you as?" Sean inquired.

"Just call me whatever gender I am at the time, I'm still Saotome Ranma anyway." She shrugged as she then  launched a punch "Time to get you back for that!"

The fight resumed and Sean noticed that she was way more faster and had more technique behind her attacks and thus he was defeated easily.

"Hax." Sean complained to the smug red-pig-tailed girl.

"Anyway, it's gettin' late, I guess it's time to part ways." She stated as seen noticed the evening had arrived already.

"Yeah, ima head out then." Sean nodded as he waved and began to walk away.

"Oh and Sean!" Ranma called him which prompted the thief to look at him "Thank ya for not making a big deal over it."




LA PAPE 5-V(Ranma Saotome)RANK 2

Sean smirked "No problem."

Planeptune/Eresthian City/City Central/Park/28 Days Until Festival/1 Day Until Departure

"Time to follow up on my promises and meet up with IF." Sean muttered as he slipped out his phone.


The Fool: Wanna hang out?

Wind Walker7: Sure, I'm heading over to your place with two new miniature game consoles.

The Fool: Uhh, thanks.

Wind Walker7: Don't worry about it we're friends.


Planeptune/Eresthain City/Hotel Room/28 Days Until Festival/1 Days Until Departure

Sean opened the door and IF entered the room – still in her oversized blue coat – and sat down on a couch along with Sean as she passed a small device that resembled a 3DS.

After a few minutes of turning it on and being idle at the hub screen he spoke up.

"So, what game we gonna play?" Sean asked.

"Huh, I don't know you pick." She shrugged.

Sean saw the selection and saw a couple of games that seemed interesting, they would also surely give different benefits.

'Do Pocketmon, we need Kindness.' Messiah Picaro suggested.

'Left 4 Neps, we need Understanding.' Arsène suggested.

'Escape Room 69, we need Knowledge.' Lilith suggested.

'Hmm...' Sean wondered for a while "Lets challenge each other in Pocketmon, last to beat the game owes the other a favour."

"You're on!" She seemed fired up.

After gaming for a long period of time, they decided to take it as a draw and owed the other a favour since Sean needed to be earlier than normal for his train.

"Anyway, keep it." IF told him.

"Keep... what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"The 3NS, it's my gift to you." She looked the other way as she gave the gift, huh must be shy knowing her personality being 'warm hearted' is more a matter of embarrassment.






"A-anyway, I'm gonna head out! I have a job I need to get to." She fast-walked out the room.

"See ya." He waved as she mildly smiled.

"See you."



"I felt my Kindness increase."

After that he decided to go to bed.