Showing Her True - Spontaneous - Colours

The next day had gone by pretty quickly, and as soon as Sophia knew it, she'd already been on her way to the soiree being held at Margaret's mansion.

She looked out the window, sitting as far away as possible from Nicholas.

"Were you given the choice to be present at tonight's soiree?" Nicholas asked.

Julia had merely told Nicholas of the soiree days beforehand. She'd RSVP'd for him, and given him no choice but to attend. She told him she was 'doing what was best for him,' although he begged to differ.

Sophia ignored his question.

"Earth to Windsor," he told Sophia.

Sophia gave him the evil eye.

"What's gotten you in a more terrible mood than usual?" Nicholas asked, to no avail.

Sophia looked down at her heels.

"Nothing," she lied.

Nicholas decided not to press further. Although he'd started to overthink, thinking her mood had something to do with their… 'date' at the secret lake, or if it had something to do with Louis and his ex-lover, who had returned to his kingdom unvictorious, so that option was ruled out, leaving the former.

Sheer silence filled the bulletproof car the two royals were in.

Sophia shifted nervously, and Nicholas couldn't help but think it had something to do. He didn't realize how wrong he was. He was currently the last thing on her mind.

The car passed the open gates leading to Margaret's family home, Couture mansion.

It parked in front of the staircase leading to the mansion itself, with stanchions separating the guests arriving at the soiree from the paparazzi there to take photos of them.

Nicholas and Sophia quickly realized what this was. A set-up.

Sophia gazed at the paparazzi.

"Sh*t," she cursed.

She immediately turned to Nicholas.

"Julia set us up," Nicholas nodded.

"Indeed she did," Sophia mused, not seeming too pleased.

'Why need a ruse when someone's already trying to play matchmaker?' She wondered, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

She heard the ruckus the paparazzi were making outside, seeing the silhouette of both two royals in the car.

"Still would be fun, going out there, hand in hand, and perfect for the ruse as well," Sophia suggested.

Nicholas smiled.

He exited the car, fancy suit and all, before moving over to Sophia's side of the car.

He opened the car door, extending a hand towards Sophia.

Sophia stepped out of the car, hair in an updo. She took his hand, faking a smile to the paparazzi.

She wore a crimson red, deep v-neck a-line gown with a high slit, her hair styled to an updo, paired with a pair of velvety red iriza heels, as well as a pair of signature earrings, that most recognized as an heirloom of the late queen's family. Sophia's late mother.

She held Nicholas' hand whilst carrying a red clutch.

Hundreds of camera snaps were heard. Sophia and Nicholas interlaced their arms, before going up the staircase. The paparazzi were disappointed. News of Sophia being proposed to had spread and majority of the news outlet wanted what Sophia thought of it. Of course, Sophia had expected this to happen, not that she cared.

It was Sophia's first appearance since her father's death at somewhere other than the Beldovian palace. She'd kept her where she studied, her university more specifically, under wraps, and kept every single movement on the downlow.

But now was different.

"So, this your first time out of the palace after a while?" Nicholas asked.

Sophia nodded absentmindedly.

"After the king's death," she said nonchalantly.

"The king's death… as in, your father's?" Nicholas asked, as soon as they reached the top of the staircase.

"He was never my father," Sophia said, visibly irritated by their topic of conversation.

Nicholas decided not to pursue the conversation further. Frankly, he was confused as to why he bothered to care when he despised his father to the very core himself.

Minutes later, they arrived where the soiree was being held. Julia was already there, delighted her and Nicholas made their entrance together. It increased her hopes.

Her gaze landed on Emilia and Margaret strutting around. They really were two peas in a pod. It reminded her of her and Clarisse.

No matter the differences they had, and no matter how different they were in personality and attitude, they still got along famously well. But that friendship that Sophia wouldn't admit she held dear to her heart and appreciated beyond she could describe was hanging one one very loose thread.

Sophia kept her eyes out for Clarisse, searching for her friend in the groups of royals throughout the room. Of course, she wasn't even sure if Clarisse was there in the first place, but she could always hope.

"Don't mind me, I'm just looking for a friend," Sophia said, off to search for Clarisse who'd hopefully had cooled off since her outburst.

Sophia had no intentions of picking up a fight, of trying to dig her own grave and ruin things far worse, but to talk to her.

She saw Clarisse and headed towards her. She was inches close to her before she chickened out.

"Yeah, nope," Sophia told herself.

She needed some other way to cope with her anxiousness. Her coping mechanism, if you will. She searched for the nearest bar.

Luckily, something most royals had in common was their fondness for booze and alcohol. Finding a bar at every gathering and or event held was accounted for.

An idea came to mind. She was spontaneous. She did things on impulse, when she wanted to, whenever she wanted to. She grinned mischievously as she reached the bar. No one else was there, since they preferred to drink and walk.

She took a champagne-filled wine glass and chugged it down, placing it on the table she found it once she was finished.

Her vision blurred before it returned back to normal. Boy, was this going to be a wild ride. But, as some say, you only live once, not that that actually applies for everyone.