"Good afternoon, your grace, I'll be your personal maid during your stay and I'll be showing you to your quarters," the maid said before she curtsied out of courtesy.
Sophia grinned at the opportunity to get away from Nicholas, since she'd been stuck with him for the past 5 hours in the car.
Sophia agreed without any hesitation.
The maid informed her, "Right this way, please follow me, your grace."
Sophia nodded, shooting Nicholas one last look before she followed the maid to her accomodation for the next few days.
Sophia was led to her quarters, and once she saw where she'd be settling in for the next few days, she had to admit she was extremely impressed. Other than a couple of details, she had no complaints. This trip had started out better than expected.
Her baggage had been moved to her quarters, and once she'd been given a short tour of one of the many Sangisian's palaces quarters, she was left alone to settle into her new home for the time being.
Once she'd settled in, she noticed an envelope on a nearby table.
She picked up the envelope, flipping it around before quickly noticing the royal seal stamped on the envelope itself.
Sophia opened the envelope ever so carefully before reading what seemed to be an invitation.
She inhaled sharply.
"Queen Anastasia and King Spencer request your presence at the Sanguisian palace to celebrate the annual Sanguisian charity gala held to raise funds and awareness for a global nonprofit association that aims to empower both women and men in the industry through educational, philosophical and other means."
[Author's Note: Yes, Queen Anastasia and King Spencer are Nicholas' parents, the two monarchs of Sanguis.]
She skimmed the rest of the details, before she closed the invitation.
"A masquerade charity gala ball tomorrow, huh," Sophia stared at the carpeted floors for a hot second.
"Although it's going to be a security nightmare," she muttered offhandedly.
She sighed, glancing at her suitcases.
"Quick question, is there the slightest chance we might bump into your parents?" Sophia asked.
Truth be told, she was unprepared to meet Nicholas' parents. She couldn't fathom why she was overcome with concern and worry. She and Nicholas were merely acquaintances and at best, friends. Nothing more.
Nicholas glanced at Sophia's sudden tone of worry.
"Relax, we have 20 dining rooms to choose from, we could have dinner on completely separate wings and wouldn't have the slightest chance of bumping into each other," Nicholas said coolly, ignoring the whispers of staff members passing by.
'The eldest prince has returned!' One maid whispered to the other.
'With a duchess from Beldovia,' a second maid noticed, observing Sophia from a safe distance.
The third one added, 'Has he come to make a claim for the throne? To introduce the duchess to his parents?'
'They've been all over the tabloids,' the third one explained to both other ladies.
'Does this mean his royal highness has finally found himself a significant other?' The first maid asked, overlooking the third maid's words.
'They're not holding hands,' a second maid commented, speaking in a hushed and judgy tone.
The third maid added, 'I'd expect more public displays of affection.'
The three maids were unaware of how noisily they were, despite 'whispering' to each other. Both the duchess and the prince had clearly overheard the conversation, by the looks of it.
Sophia raised her brow.
"Someone seems to be the talk of the palace," Sophia noticed.
"Don't mind them," he grumbled.
Sophia asked, "And what's got you in such a twist?"
Nicholas stared at the palace hallway's floor.
He mumbled something under his breath that Sophia couldn't manage to hear.
"I've just realized I've never actually seen you this way, Ambrose," Sophia blinked, despite the fact she was mistaken.
She had seen him this way, once. When he'd returned for her and saw her being proposed to.
"What's up?" She asked, trying to conceal her worryness.
Sophia's concern cheered Nicholas up.
"Are you actually concerned for my well-being?" He asked Sophia inquisitively.
Sophia lied, "No."
Nicholas chuckled softly. It was moments like these she simply had to be a terrible liar.
"If you're so concerned…"
Sophia mouthed, 'But I'm not,' before looking in the opposite direction, averting his amused gaze.
"You shouldn't be," he assured.
"Again, I'm not concerned, stop flattering yourself," Sophia told Nicholas adamantly.
"I'm just… curious," Sophia blatantly lied.
She sighed.
"So are we eating or not? Can't we cut the chit-chat, I'm famished," she whined.
Had she not been with Nicholas she would've been enjoying her dinner. But, she and Nicholas were still playing their parts in the ruse, making it seem as if they were courting, even though they were not nor were considering getting together at any given moment.
Nicholas gave her the evil eye.
Sophia shrugged, "What are you looking at?"
Nicholas was about to answer her before he shook his head. Why bother?
"Follow me."
"Morning Sanguis," Sophia greeted after a lengthy night of sleep. She yawned, fluffing her hair before she got out of bed.
After last night, which was - compared to the rest of her trip - uneventful, she'd requested Nicholas to bring her to a place he favoured, although 'requested' was generous. She hadn't given him much of a choice, not that he didn't mind the idea itself either.
Sophia opened the window curtains, wincing before she turned away from the rays of light that shone at her.
She poured herself a glass of water and sat in silence, staring at the ray of sunlight that refracted, passing through the glass window.
It was little moments like these that she enjoyed, having the entire room to herself, whilst thinking of what she'd do during the rest of the day and relax. She did feel a tad bit lonely, but it would merely last for a few days at best.
A while later, she'd freshened up, duly dressed and out of her pajamas. She was ready to spend her first day in Sanguis with stride.