'More Than I Do Your Brother.'

Sophia scoffed.

"I don't have to," she answered as she took his hand. 

Nicholas shrugged, and at the next minute, they were waltzing. It was as if they were dancing on clouds, both Sophia and Nicholas looked full of life and energy, and although they were convincing themselves everything was simply a part of the ruse Nicholas had concocted, it didn't seem to appear that way to others.

"Are they courting?" Sophia and Nicholas heard another royal say to her husband.

Sophia whispered to Nicholas excitedly, "It seems to be working."

Nicholas averted her. 

"Indeed it is," he whispered back, not bearing to look her in the eye. He'd been overcome with guilt. He felt as if he was doing this for the wrong intentions. What he hadn't known was that Sophia wasn't too far off from feeling guilty either.

If it wasn't enough Nicholas had grown up miserably, she was still considering marrying him for all the wrong reasons. 

She'd told Emilia she'd dethrone her and marry to take the throne she now sat on away from her, but this was all going too quickly. And frankly, she'd no other options but Nicholas. It was all too overwhelming for her to handle. 

She stared up at him, noticing him avert her caring gaze, looking down at the dance floor instead of her. Somehow, she felt a chip of her heart break. 

She gulped right before she striked up a conversation, "So, when do we decide when this ruse ends?" 

Nicholas looked at her strangely, with an emotion she couldn't recognize or ascertain. 

But, Sophia surmised he didn't know when the ruse was to end either, which was partially true. 

Nicholas blinked, "I suppose it's when we both achieve our goals." 

Sophia wondered, what was her goal in the first place? 

At the very start, she was certain it was to dethrone Emilia and leave her queen-less. But now she'd been led astray with all this... or perhaps she was subconsciously confusing herself to continue the ruse that'd been going on for a week as of now. She inwardly groaned frustratedly.

She asked Nicholas out of inquisitively, "And what is your goal?" 

Nicholas narrowed his eyes. 

"To ward off other royals, and to..."

He thought of it carefully. 

What was his other goal anyway?

Why was he having such difficulty thinking of what he wanted?

"You want her dimwit, your goal was to make her fall in love with you," he heard. 

He muttered, "The h*ll was that?" 

"What?" He heard Sophia ask. 

He goggled at her. 

"No-nothing," he answered unsubtly. 

"Sure Mr Obvious," Sophia retorted. 

Nicholas simply chuckled at the nickname. It was a major improvement from a slurred 'hotstuff' coming from Sophia whilst she was drunk. 

Sophia said to him slyly, "I'm shocked you haven't stepped on me yet."

Nicholas raised his brow, "Would you want me to step on you?" 

Sophia cringed. 

"Who would want anyone to step on them, you fool?" 

Nicholas scoffed, "Careful with what you say, I won't hesitate to drop you." 

"And make a scene?" Sophia batted her eyelashes. 

"And I thought you weren't one to willingly want to catch any more attention than you've already taken already," Sophia said nonchalantly. 

Without thinking, Nicholas blurted, "Then, I'll kiss you instead." 

Sophia's face darkened. 

"You wouldn't dare," she said through gritted teeth.

Nicholas flashed a dazzling smile that made Sophia want to melt into her red leather heels. Why'd he have to be so gosh darn charming?

"Keep on testing me and find out," he said, rendering Sophia flustered.

"Hmph," Sophia turned her head away, just as the music softened, cueing both royals to stop waltzing, along with all the other couples dancing. Sophia and Nicholas had successfully managed to take no notice off the royals whispering and gossiping behind their backs of their sudden and unaccounted arrival, as well as a few royals mistaking the two royals as a couple, or a married couple, by the way they bickered and got along.

She envisioned how things would've gone if Nicholas had followed through with his words and had actually kissed her. It would've definitely made it to the tabloids, and definitely have made it to Julia's knowledge. She was somewhat grateful it hadn't happened, and somewhat disappointed. 

She sighed, noticing a royal staring at her nearby. 

She glowered, asking him aggressively, "What are you looking at?"

The royal blinked before backing up. Sophia could be terrifying at times. It was a given not to mess with her. 

Nicholas had gone to get himself and Sophia a drink, being the gentleman he was - as he was taught to be by Julia and Angelica. 

Sophia tapped her foot on the floor impatiently, wondering where Nicholas had run off to, before he returned, without drinks in hand and instead, a little girl. 

Sophia looked downwards to find a little girl looking up at her, which caused her gaze to soften.

"And who's this adorable girl?" She asked, her voice increasing in octaves. It was as if she was a wholly different person.

"Meet my little sister," he introduced, mumbling, 'Who was very, very eager to meet you.' 

"Oh," Sophia blinked, piecing things together. 

"Countess Olivia Elizabeth Chloe Ambrose," he added.

"But you can call me Liv!" She exclaimed, grinning at Sophia. She'd heard much about her (Sophia), especially from her favourite brother.

Sophia was taken aback. 

"Okay, Liv," she said, lowering herself to be on Liv's line of sight.

"I'm Sophia," Sophia introduced.

Liv's smile widened, "I know!" 

"You're my big brother's  pretty friend!" She exclaimed innocently

Sophia nodded curtly, beaming warmly, "I am." 

Liv giggled adorably, "I like you."

Sophia had a genuine smile on her face, which was rare, even for her.

She attempted to kneel, whispering in Liv's ear, "I like you even more, Liv."

'More than I do your brother, especially,' Sophia murmured inaudibly.


IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: From this chapter onwards, you'll have to use coins to unlock chapters, although fast passes work as well, although coins are much appreciated! 

eel free to theorize as to what will happen to Sophia next, who knows what might happen next. *winks*


And if you're still reading up to this point, here's a small preview for the next chapter (the most interesting chapter of all, ;) in my opinion): 

Time seemed to stop for a split moment, as though the bullet was moving in slow motion before Sophia snapped back to reality.

She heard one last sound, the sound of bullet piercing...
