To Marry, Be Shot, or Kill(ed)

The royals were carefree, enjoying the entertainment the charity gala had to offer, left unaware of what was happening right outside the ballroom, thanks to the soundproof walls of the ballroom. 

Oh, if only they knew. But for now, it seemed like they'd be left in the dark and feign ignorance. 

Well, back to our two protagonists that were duelling with death, so to speak. 

The minute the sound of a gun firing was heard, and Nicholas hadn't felt the bullet piercing his skin and a round of excruciating pain, he realized what'd happened. 

She'd taken the bullet for him. Despite the fact that it was meant to injure if not kill him and take his life. 

The king smirked at the sight of Sophia unconscious, he hadn't bothered checking whether or not he'd missed, or anything of the sort. 

He watched as Nicholas noticed Sophia in front of him. He remained silent, his eyes filled with sorrow and guilt before he crouched down.