You're Alright

Julia came bursting in, with Nicholas right next to her. 

Sophia glanced at Louis, who mouthed, 'Best of luck.' 

Despite Julia's usual tough front, she'd been dead worried. Her granddaughter had been unconscious for multiple weeks, who wouldn't be? 

Had she been allowed in the palace dungeons, she would've smote him herself. 

Yet, it was thanks to Nicholas' reasoning she hadn't done so already. 

Although Julia could've sworn Nicholas seemed just as furious if not more furious than her. Not that she had anything against his sentiment, of course. 

Julia rushed to Sophia's bedside. 

"Move," she said as she gently shoved Louis aside in order to see her granddaughter.

"You alright, dear?" She asked Sophia concernedly. 

Sophia smiled reassuringly, "I'm perfectly fine, grandmere." 

"I've no inkling as to what happened, 'is all," Sophia admitted.