When Pigs Fly

Clarisse kept on smirking, it was as though she had a huge secret she was keeping from Sophia that she was all the more than happy to keep. 

She didn't say a single word. She knew something. 

"Come on, speak," Sophia urged once more. 

"Naaaaaah, I shouldn't tell you," Clarisse refused. 

Sophia pouted, "Oh come on, Claire, please." 

She wondered why she desperately wanted to know. 

It took a bit of convincing before Clarisse came out with it. 

"You're in love."

The words echoed in Sophia's head.

'You're in love.' 

'You're in love.' 

'You're in love.'

She laughed madly at the possibility, barely sparing a thought that it was plausible in the first place. 

Her? In love? 

'When pigs fly,' she thought. 

She dismissed the idea, 'Clarisse was just drunk, she didn't know what she was talking about.'

"Haha, very funny."

"I don't believe in love, Claire," she said.