Jealousy, Thy Name is Nicholas 

"It's the alcohol to blame for that, not Sophia," Clarisse reasoned, standing up for her friend.

Although Louis did agree with Clarisse, it didn't make things any less horrible. 

He noticed a familiar figure in the crowd approaching his sister.

A small smile curved up his lips. 

"He's back," he mused.

Clarisse squinted.

"That can't be…"

"It's him," Louis confirmed. 

"Think Nicholas will get jealous?" Clarisse asked, seeming more annoyed than amused. He was a sight she would rather not see. 

Louis had a mischievous glint in his eye, "I suppose we'll have to see about that."

Someone tapped Sophia's shoulder. 

She groaned, "Who is it now?" 

She turned around before her eyes lit up.

"Alistair," she said, a mysterious twinkle in her eyes.

She bearhugged him. 

"Goodness, how are you doing?" She asked.

"It's been ever so long, Ally," she said, all smiles.