Oh, That.

A kiss on the cheek. A mere kiss on the cheek was enough to send sparks flying. 

Sophia rushed back to the palace, running as fast as her legs could bring her. She was drenched in rainwater, and hadn't thought to look back. Nicholas was nowhere to be seen. She hadn't even the slightest idea as to whether or not he'd made it back to the palace safely. That was the last thing on her mind. 

She'd kissed him. 

On the cheek. 

It might've been common to others, but it was a big deal to her. 

What was Nicholas thinking of it? 

Did he find it weird? Strange? Unpleasant? 

Did he find a kiss on the cheek inappropriate for a mere birthday present? 

What'd she do when she saw him next?

"What were you doing out in the rain and why are your cheeks so red?" Clarisse asked, interrupting her current train of thought.

Sophia's cheeks turned redder. She hadn't realized she'd spaced out.