Hell No

Author's Note: The wedding reception is of a distant cousin of Sophia's and another royal, which is why she isn't a bridesmaid/the maid of honour, etc etc, and also why there's paparazzi swarming the palace. And also, that the wedding reception is held at one of Beldovia's finest and most prestigious hotels. Right, back to the story!

After getting herself together, she managed to make it over to Louis' quarters without breaking down.

She knocked.

"Who is it?" She heard Louis ask.

"Lou, it's me," she answered in return. 

She heard Louis scoff.

"Then what are you waiting for, come in!" Louis called. 

Sophia laughed softly before she entered her brother's quarters.

Louis was adjusting his tie when his sister entered his quarters. 

"Soph," he greeted. 

"How do I look?" He asked, smiling in his tuxedo.

"Great, Lou," Sophia answered with a grin. 

She closed the door behind her.