Flying Pigs

Nicholas turned to face Louis. 

"She won't listen now," he reasoned. 

"And I don't want to ruin her... mood," Nicholas said to Louis. 

Louis wondered how he'd break it to Nicholas. Things weren't as they seemed. 

"I may not know too much." 

"But, I can say with certainty, if you leave for the palace, she'll never forgive you." 

He didn't allow Nicholas to speak. 

He and his sister were one and the same. 

"We all know you care." 

"Everyone but my sister, who still thinks you're using her," Louis elucidated. 

"I may not like you, but my sister does. A lot." 

Nicholas felt a fluttering sensation in his heart. 

So she did like him - he thought obliviously, as though the kiss was simply a joke.

"This wedding reception? It's the best shot you've got."

"So do something about it." 

"I'm sure it's not the first time someone's told you that today," Louis added unhelpfully.