You're Sure He Wouldn't Hurt You?

"You're both incredibly smart and incredibly beautiful," Nicholas praised.

"Would you have said the same if I humiliated myself on that stage?" Sophia asked curiously.

Nicholas shook his head, "No, I would've been honest with you, just like I am now, Windsor."

Sophia tilted her head.

He'd refused to touch on the mere topic regarding his parents. He'd been dodging it ever since yesterday's dinner.

"You ignored your parents at the banquet," Sophia brought up.

"Care to talk about it?" She questioned.

"When did you start caring about anything relating to me and my family's affairs?" Nicholas asked.

"I'm trying to be caring here," Sophia said, squinting her eyes.

"Louis says I have a blind spot when it comes to caring," she added.

Nicholas stared at her.

"There's nothing to be said regarding me and my family," he said nonchalantly.