
She couldn't contain her shock. 

This couldn't simply be a coincidence. Was Marcus targeting Louis somehow? 

All sorts of thoughts ran through her mind. 

There was no way. 

She knitted her eyebrows, she wondered to herself, "Does grandmere know about it?" 

She had to know. 

If she did, why hadn't she done something about it?

She decided to visit grandmere's quarters. 

A couple minutes later, she knocked on grandmere's quarters' doors.

"Grandmere?" Sophia called out.

"You there?" She asked politely, starting to get worried.

Julia opened the door for her granddaughter.

"Darling, what are you doing here?" Julia asked.

"I'm in the midst of planning another luncheon," she added.

Something clicked in Sophia's head. 

"Everyone's invited?" She asked.