His World Stopped.

Nicholas' reaction was priceless. Sophia fought back a laugh. 

He was rendered speechless, and at a complete loss of words. 

It was at that moment Nicholas knew, he fucked up. 

"Clarisse's ex?" He asked. 

He smiled awkwardly. He felt foolish and extremely idiotic. What'd overcome him?

"Sophia, can I borrow you?" Nicholas asked.

Sophia hid an amused smile. 

"Sure," she answered. 

"We'll continue this conversation later," she told Blaine whilst smirking.

She took Nicholas by the hand and brought him somewhere else.

"You didn't tell me you'd be having guests," Nicholas began. 

"A man catcalled me," Sophia explained to him.

Nicholas' facial expression changed from stern to furious in a matter of seconds.

He was no longer mad at her, instead, at the bastard who catcalled her. 

How dare he? 

To her?

Did he not know who she was? 

He hoped the bastard would rot in hell.