The Break Up Blues

Sophia told Nicholas what she'd told Blaine, and everything that had happened between him and Clarisse in the past.

Louis was undoubtedly upset at the mention of his friend hurting.

"She didn't tell me because she didn't want me upset," Louis realized.

Sophia nodded. 

"And you're telling me this now… why?" He asked.

Sophia smacked Louis lightly on the shoulder.

"Because you're my brother, gosh," she answered.

"Why else?" She furrowed her brows.

Louis blinked, "Speaking of which, where's Clarisse?"

"And Blaine?"

Sophia's heart dropped. 

"Oh shit."


Clarisse had finished talking. 

She talked till she no longer could; when tears streamed down her cheeks and her eyes turned red and puffy. 

She was still hurting, just the sight of him hurt her and brought back that one horrible memory - the time he'd broken up with her.

(Flashback starts from here on out.)