I Love You, You Love Me

"You're one to talk about ambition, you used to be one of the most ambitious people I know."

"You went from wanting to rule Beldovia with an iron fist to getting easily irritated when you had to take on more of your royal duties," Louis realized.

"What happened to you, Soph?" He asked.

Sophia had just finished dinner. She dabbed her napkin around her mouth.

"I'm just as ambitious as I was before, if not more," she answered.

"And I still want to rule Beldovia, except for the fact that it's now more of a burden."

"I'm not the type of person to settle down, and I refuse to get married for the crown."

"Even if it means I won't be the one to rule over Beldovia."

Sophia stopped talking.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted Clarisse running from a large crack in the door that'd been left open.

She said to Louis, "You can finish dinner without me," before rushing off.

She followed Clarisse to her quarters.