If I Hadn't Met You...

Sophia stared at the big screen. 

"And if I hadn't met you…"

Nicholas hesitated.

"What?" Sophia asked, turning to look at him. 

"I just… had I not met you, I'd still be the black sheep of my family, I would've been sent to war, and I likely could've died on the battlefield." 

"Sounds depressing when you say it," Sophia said.

"And surprising," she added. 

"I'm just glad I met you," she admitted. 

Nicholas agreed, "Me too."

"Come to think of it, I can't even imagine what'd my life be like without you, it'd be... bland and boring."

"Like Emilia's, without the stepkids and the dead husband," she added.

She looked back up on the screen. 

Her eyes widened in horror.

"What is this?" She asked in disgust. 

Nicholas was left speechless. 

"What it is is the perfect cue to get out of here." 

He noticed a couple of people pointing towards their car.

"We best leave."