I Never Said That

"You know I'm getting you back for this," Nicholas said to her.

"Go ahead and try," Sophia said.

"Confident, are you?" He asked.

"Of course I am, there's nothing to be unconfident about really," Sophia winked at him.

"And what are you going to do?"

"Smother me with affection?"

"Charm me with your looks? It worked once, no guarantee it'll work again," Sophia said.

Nicholas tilted his head, "Do I need to remind you we have a ball to attend soon?"

Sophia nodded, "I know that already."

She looked at the wall clock.

"I have approximately an hour before I've got to run."

"Meaning I have an hour with you left," she said.

"Should I be satisfied or upset?" Nicholas asked.

"The first option obviously."

"So, what else do you want to do?" 

"We have one good hour left," she reasoned.

"One good hour to do anything we want," she said, nearing Nicholas' face.

"Hmm," Nicholas mused.