The Aftermath of One Drunk Clarisse

Curious as to what Sophia meant, he decided to visit Oliver's quarters - see what he was up to. 

"Eugh," Oliver tried not to gag, wiping a certain substance off his shirt. 

Nicholas entered his quarters without bothering to knock.

He winced once he entered, "What's that smell?"

Oliver turned around. 

"That, dear brother, is the smell of vomit," he said, his teeth gritted. 

He felt like puking himself. The smell was terrid.

"Sophia took the easy way out," he grumbled, "She didn't even give any warnings."

Nicholas pinched his nose. 

"Just change your shirt," he advised.

"You smell horrid," he said in utter disgust. 

"I know that, brother," Oliver said in return. 

Nicholas blinked, "Hold on, if you're here, who's with Clarisse?"

Oliver answered, "Sophia's brother." 

"What was his name? Oh right, Louis."


Oliver took off his tie and rolled up his sleeves.