And Who Might That Be?

It was a relief to him that she didn't believe in romance and love. But now that she was dating Nicholas, it was different. 

She had a boyfriend, and Clarisse knew Louis was happy for her… but he felt as though he was losing her, even when he wasn't. 

Louis' phone rang. 

"And who might that be?" Clarisse asked.

Louis shrugged, "I have no idea."

"And frankly, I don't care!" He exclaimed.

"If Marcus wants nothing to do with me then so be it, I won't care," he said. 

"You know what? I won't pick up the phone either."

"If it's him, then I'll check it out when I want to." 

"He can leave a voicemail," Louis reasoned. 

"Because for all I care, I'm not his boyfriend. I'm not anything to him," Louis exclaimed.

Clarisse opened and closed her mouth. 

"When I said you shouldn't worry or anything, I did not mean this," Clarisse elucidated.