He'd Gone All Out

Sophia did a double-take. 

What did she just hear?

Nicholas did too?

How could this be?

"Wait, what?" Sophia asked.

"You do too?" She asked.

"I thought it was only me," she admitted. 

She'd thought she'd gone insane or something. 

There were many explanations as to what was going on with her, but she never looked into it. 

Why would she want to prove she was insane? 

It was merely a voice in her head telling her what to do from time to time. 

Sure, it gave her provocative suggestions at times but she didn't really mind it. 

But it was when she discovered Nicholas was facing the exact same problem she found things peculiar. 

Of course she left out the part where she'd dreamt of him dying, but she told him everything else, sparing no details. 

She wondered, "Why are we like this?"

"Out of all the couples in the world, it's us with the weird problems."