I Love You...

"I still remember the day very clearly." 

"It was exactly 6 years ago, the day my sister was born." 

"There were complications with her once she was born, complications that were life-threatening," Nicholas said, remembering the moment bitterly. 

"Jaxson had been there, right outside the waiting room."

"I wasn't allowed in." 

"She could've died that day and I would've never got the chance to meet my amazing sister." 

Sophia stared at him point-blank.

"So, I'm sorry if I strongly refuse to attend dinner with my parents, but I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive them, especially when it comes to this."

"I nearly lost her, I nearly lost my sister." 

"And I couldn't do anything about it," he said, sounding heartbroken. 

"I would've never talked to them again had I missed it," Nicholas admitted.

Sophia patted Nicholas on the back.