Sweet, Sweet Obliviousness

Sophia was in a relatively good mood that morning. 

How could she not be, she had a date with her boyfriend that ended perfectly. 

Everything was going perfectly, and unlike Clarisse, she didn't nor would she ever get bored of it. 

"You're hovering," she noticed. 

"No I'm not," Oliver tried denying it. 

"Are you trying to lie to me?" Sophia raised her brow. 

"I'm not lying," Oliver sputtered. 

"Then are you trying to tell me something?" Sophia inquired next.


"How did I know?" Sophia finished his sentence for him.

"Common sense," she responded. 

"Now out with it," she demanded.

"Don't leave me waiting in anticipation and just tell me already!" 

Oliver was nervous.

He shouldn't have been, but this was Sophia.

The first time they met, she kicked him in the cojones. 

Who knew what she'd do? She was unpredictable to the point it was frightening.