Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathe in, breathe out. 

'Keep on breathing.'

'Someone's bound to notice me.'

'This is a huge palace, but at the same time it's filled to the brim with staff and family members.' 

'They'll get help, and I'll be okay.'

'I'm going to be okay.'

'Totally and completely okay.'

But was she going to be okay? 

Would someone find her?

Or would it be too late?


"Morning," Louis greeted Marcus. 

Marcus sloppily placed a kiss on Louis' forehead.

He yawned, "Somehow, I still feel sleepy. 

Louis laughed, "When don't you feel sleepy?"

Marcus chuckled, "Amazing point."

Louis looked at the time, "Oh god, I was supposed to meet up with my sister."

He checked his phone.

Yep, Sophia had sent him dozens of messages demanding where he was. He was crapped. 

He fell into bed, heaving a big sigh.

Meanwhile, with Sophia and Nicholas…