Her First Man

"What are you doing in my quarters?" Louis demanded. 

"Get the hell out of here!" He yelled. 

Marcus sighed. 

He shook his head, "Louis, no."

Louis scoffed, "What did you just say?"

Marcus placed a tray down on Louis' empty desk. 

"I know you lost one of the only familial figures you ever had in your life," Marcus began.

"And I also know you needed space."

"But I have given you space."

"I've given you a whole week."

"And you didn't bother to take care of yourself while you were too occupied grieving and mourning the loss of your grandmother, I'm not blaming you," Marcus assured.

"But someone has to be there for you."

"And even if you hate me."

"Even if you scream or yell at me to go away, I'm not going away."

"When I was stuck in a hospital bed, you asked me to be your boyfriend."

"Not some other guy, but me."