Will You Marry Me?

A few decades ago… 

A woman hurriedly drove to the oceanside, wondering why she'd been called there. Her boyfriend had made it seem like it was urgent, so she quickened her usual pace. Her nightgown floated in the wind as she tried finding him. 

"RAY? WHERE ARE YOU?" She called out, desperately searching for him. To her avail, he wasn't anywhere to be found.

When she couldn't find him, she ran to the cove - the one place she and him always went to whenever they wanted to escape. 

She stopped when she saw her boyfriend standing there in the middle of the decorated cove. 

Shimmery crystals were engraved in the ceiling that now looked like the velvety night sky. It was nothing much - Emilia didn't like anything extravagant when it came to all the romantic stuff. And in the middle of it all was Raymond, dressed in a casual dress shirt and short trousers. 

She looked around, asking, "What is the meaning of this?"