"I'm going to visit you next weekend, don't you worry," Nicholas reassured his girlfriend. 

Sophia pouted. 

"I wish I could stay." 

"You sure you can't join me?" She asked hopefully, giving Nicholas a pleading look.

Nicholas shook his head, "I do wish I could." 

Sophia sighed, knowing she had to leave eventually, this was the latest she could leave if she wanted to rest up for tomorrow. 

She leaned closer to Nicholas - giving him the impression she was going to kiss him, but instead, she pulled him into a tight embrace. One last hug for the road.

Feeling ready, Sophia walked over to the car, feeling Nicholas watching her from behind. 

He was sad enough to see her leave. 

Once she made it in the car, she rolled down the window, waving at Nicholas. 

She blew him an air kiss after the car engine started, taking comfort in knowing that they'd see each other again once the week came to an end.