Only a Matter of Time [R-18]


Nicholas had finally gotten to see Sophia after what the nurse had told him privately. 

He sat beside her, squeezing her hand gently so he wouldn't hurt her. 

In her unconscious state, Sophia looked so… calm. So serene. Like she was completely at peace.

Her hair was messed up, and yet she still looked breathtakingly beautiful. 

He blinked, he couldn't be thinking of her like this. Not now, she was unconscious and lying on a hospital bed! It was totally inappropriate, and she likely wouldn't be in the mood. 

"I'm sorry," he apologized, hoping she could hear him. 

'Please don't leave me.' 

'It should've been me laying on that bed.'

'Why can't the world just punish me instead of her? This isn't fair,' Nicholas said, knowing he'd be unable to meet her gaze if she woke up. 

No, it wasn't an if. It was when. When she woke up. 

'She'll wake up,' he convinced himself.