
Had Simon not trained for years at the Institute, he would have broken down at that point and either fled from the room or begged for his life.

Even though Tam was not consciously exerting any pressure, Simon knew just how powerful his old friend had become, and if he had truly taken offense, Simon was well and truly f*****.

"Well, how about abandoning me to rot in Kalun! If it hadn't been for Kothar coming to rescue me, I'd have died in that city! Rotan's never liked me, and so why would he even diplomatically try to get me back?" Simon decided to go full throttle, if Tam was going to retaliate for what he had said, he might as well get out everything he had to say.

"I think you've made your point quite clear." Tam's hand left his sword, no longer deep in thought. He looked Simon right in the eye.